[error unexpected file format]


I’m experiencing the unexpected file format error that I had a file open for 2 days, yesterday 27 and left the file open for 2 days, yesterday and left the file open on the computer for 22:42 22:42
save the file normally /turn off the pc.

This morning when trying to open the file unexpectedly, this error occurred.
I tried renaming the skb to access the backup copy as it would be little lost work, but the same error occurs.

Has anyone had this error and know how to solve it? I have a Trimble license, so I discard the option of crack error, I saw on forums people saying that it is for saving a file in the cloud or directly on the network, but it was saved on the desktop in a folder, on the C: disk, I read that some block or component may have corrupted the file, if so, screw it! kkk I will have to start the work again, but I also read that it is possible to recover, but there was no information on how to recover, but the cases in which I recovered only as file information (layers, blocks, etc), but the modeled design disappeared.

Relief! Can anyone help me?

Here’s a link to the files in the dropbox.


Possibly the save had not been completed prior to the shutdown.

The save was done correctly!

The problem was identified, a stove component that I downloaded from the 3D warehouse.

I already started work again, I had no way to recover.

This is one reason it is always recommended to download components from sources like the 3DWH into a separate file to check them and give them a clean up before you add them to your project files.

I had an issue where the promp of “unexpected file format” came up, after some researching i found that if you still have the .skb file which is the backup autosaved file of the .skp.

so what i did was i opened up sketch up
click on open file.
then at the bottom at file type i selected ‘all file types’.
then i opened the .skb version and i was able to work the that and saved.


I have the same issue. Can any body help?

The link above is the wetransfer containing the file fyi.

I am getting a similar error message with this file. Can you recover it? Dropbox - Helinger Residence.skp - Simplify your life

I tried to recover something from your file, but wasn’t able to get anything.

Any other suggestions?

If Colin can’t recover anything, I guess there’s no other option than to start over…

In the same folder where the SKP file was, there should be a file with the same name, but with the extension .skb. That is a copy of the previous save that you did. If the file recently became corrupted, the .skb file may be in better condition. If you find that file you can rename it to something else, and also change the extension from .skp to .skb, then try to open that file.

Maybe the other way round…
I would make a copy of the .skb file and rename it with the .skp extension.

I tell people to rename the file so that when the extension is changed to .skp, it doesn’t then clash with the main model file. Doing a copy first would effectively take care of the renaming part.

hi, i’m experiencing the same problem, can you help me recover it? thanks in advance


I was only able to recover the components and materials, nothing in the scene.

3D_recovered.skp (970.3 KB)

thanks a lot!!

sketchup this does not appear to be a sketchup model / hocam bi projede bu hatayı alıyorum bir bilginiz varmıdır. Şimdiden teşekkür ederim.

Can you also help with mine as well? i had an skb file then converted it to skp, after i opened it, it says “unexpected file format” :frowning:


I recovered a file that is as big as the original, but the scene is empty. Because the file is just as big, that hopefully means that you had some components that included a lot of the scene. If you can find those bigger components in the Components tray you should be able to rebuild the scene quickly.

Here’s the recovered file:


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