We will be releasing the detail scrapbooks here quite soon. As for the update on the book, the detail package we are creating took quite a bit of time and I did not want to pressure Matt and his newly expanded family…he and his wife will be very busy!
Thanks for reminding me Nick, Matt has a little one now … this could change everything!
We released our detail package. You can find them here:
Thank you ! Could you tell me what IECC climate zone these are designed for? I am on the fence as to whether to take the plunge with the purchase. Thank you (you are an inspiration to many…!
They are designed for Zone 5, but all the details are easily customized to modify to your climate zones. For more stringent continuous insulation requirements you would need to add that component and adjust the models. Every element in each detail is an individual group or component with specific entity information that is extracted in LO, so it is easy to modify and customize for your specific work.
Thank you! Writing from zone 7 here… just wanted to know how much I will be revising. Looks straightforward enough if the parts are all easy to move and nudge around. Thanks!
Have you ever heard of the 3d connexion space mouse and an mmo mouse with multiple buttons. A 3d space mouse in your left, an mmo mouse in your right, I have yet to see a setup that is nearly as fast as taht setup. I have 50 hotkeys mapped currently at the push of only 12 buttons on my mmo mouse and 2 buttons on my space mouse, when I map the space mouse buttons to control, or alt, etc, I get more options on my mmo mouse for hotkeys. This means I almost never touch the keyboard and while I’m modelling I can design and pull out tools at the exact same time I am orbiting. I can’t imagine that a tablet and pressing the middle moust button to orbit is nearly as fast. Or am I perhaps missing something @Sonder?
Yes, I have seen that setup. I use the space mouse left hand, tablet and pen right. The tablet has hot keys and gesture control you can setup any way you like. The key with the pen is you get no fatigue like you do with a mouse since your wrist is not twisted. Also since the pen is mapped to the screen, selecting from tool bars is far faster… for me anyway.
That is actually super cool. Okay yea I’ll definitely check this out. I think maybe the mmo version is a bit faster it sounds like, but maybe worth the small sacrifice to save my wrist, I’ve heard from other designers of these wrist problems as you get older. Hmm… Thanks a lot.