Episode 1: SketchUp in Architecture with Nick Sonder

Post your Ep.1 questions or share your thoughts inside this thread by hitting reply. One question per reply. Nick Sonder will be live and available to answer your questions 30 minutes after the show.

Show Time: 2020-09-16T18:00:00Z2020-09-16T19:30:00Z
Live Forum Q&A: 2020-09-16T19:30:00Z2020-09-16T20:00:00Z


How has your use (process) of SketchUp changed/advanced since:

  • You initially made your process known (2015, I think)? The publication of the book “SketchUp & LayOut for Architecture” (2016) was based on this.

We all know Layout has had some limitations in the past, but what have you done specifically to overcome those limitations and make Layout really work for you? Along that same vein what limitations of Layout do you still have have issue with or what specifically could be improved within Layout that would further streamline things in the creation of construction documents.


Hey Nick! We met briefly at Basecamp 2018. Really enjoyed your workshops. Obviously since you work with Layout a TON you must have overcome the laggy, slow, unresponsive nature of the program when working with complex drawings that so many of us have experienced. That’s really my only issue with the program - could you shed some light on any techniques you use to reduce or eliminate the slow nature of the program? There’s got to be something we’re missing.


I’ll try to focus a little on that in the presentation. Most of it is related to the SU model organization, use of templates in both SU and LO, and clear understanding of the level of detail and how it’s depicted.


We have transitioned fully to using Sketchup for 3D presentation and Layout for documentation thanks to Basecamp 2018! However, coordinating with consultants who use CAD or Revit has been a challenge. A few issues: 1) when importing a CAD plan from a consultant, most text does not come through for us. 2) When exporting from SKP, it doesn’t maintain the grouping + layering for the CAD consultant. Any workflow suggestions for consultant coordination would be much appreciated! TY!


@Sonder How does the architectural SketchUp model integrate into 3D Coordination workflows?




Thank you so much for the presentation, Nick.

What computer/laptop do you use?
What’s the spec?

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Always get the PDF of what they send you - for instance the TOPO. Always send a PDF of your work. I export all the time, but typically keep it simple for the particular consultant so they can assign their layering system. Sometimes giving them all the architectural information in CAD form is more of a problem for them.


Just a huge thanks to Nick Sonder for all he has done to advance the ease of using this wonderful tool called SketchUp in the world of Architecture. So grateful for his knowledge and insights!


Great presentation, thank you!
Would you please elaborate on “live sections”


I was presenting on my Desktop which is a 4790 i7 with a GTX 980ti. I need to upgrade.

My laptop is an MSI stealth 15"


Thank you!

Nick, what would you like to see included into LayOut and SketchUp that is not there now?

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this question was on the event I think it will awesome to be reply from Nick.

Hi Nick, If you follow the forums, you will see that many of us SU Pro users DO have issues and problems with LayOut’s speed and performance, How do you get this slow and glitchy beast to jump up and fly?


Great presentation Nick,
Can you go over some of your key “do’s and don’ts” when working with LayOut? For many of us, LayOut remains a slow dog, what are your workflows and workarounds that allow you to make it sing so beautifully?


Have you had any push-back or criticism from the industry for being so far beyond the boring typical “CAD standards” approach?

Thanks for the presentation Sir

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Thank-you for another informative and amazing presentation. Your level of detail in your plans is amazing, absolutely beautiful work. It sets the bar very high for other architects and designers out there.

The best part of what you do is showing the world what can be done with SketchUp.


Live sections are utilizing a specific style that Matt Donley came up with. It creates a fill section with no edges and all Layers set to full transparency.