Eneroth slicer extension

I’d like to try this extension. I found it in the extension warehouse and installed the trial version. (Successfully according to Sketchup), but, although the extension appears in the extension menu, it is greyed out. Not sure what to do at this point. Can anyone help.

Did you watch the video on the Extension Warehouse page for the extension? Did you start with a group and add a section plane? Did you have the section plane selected before trying to run the extensions.

" The plugin is called from Context Menu > Slice a on Section Plane or from Extensions > Eneroth Slicer with a Section Plane selected."

Thanks for your rapid response. Yes I watched the videos in the extension warehouse, both on using the extension (not really helpful at all) and on installing extensions. After reading your reply I watched Justin Geis’ video on this extension, which was way more helpful. Got done what I needed to get done. Thanks.