Display problem with mapping photo texture when covered faces

Hello My name is Maurice, and that’s three months I use Sketchup Pro 2015 and Thearender. I started making packaging and I have problems when I import textures on my models. Let me explain, I do first, an import template to calibrate my image. When she appears in my field window and I paint my model, this one is completely destructured.
Is anyone have an idea where the problem comes. This happens as well with .png files or jepeg.
I 8_64-bit Windows
Thank you in advance for your advice
Best regards from Paris, and Very good weekend to all


If you paint more than one face and they are not coplanar, then the texture gets destructured .
A way of applying it is to project the texture over the surface or install some plugins as Thrupaint or SKETCUV mapping tools(commercial one-if I remember well).
Maybe you can upload a printscreen to show us exactly what your are having problems with.

Ely862me Hello and thank you for your return. Here are some screenshot as you suggested me.
Thanks in advance.Prt_Sreen_1.pdf (1019.5 KB)
Prt_Sreen_2.pdf (912.1 KB)

Can you upload the model.
You can project the image on one half, then reverse the texture and project it on the other half.

I have studied this tutorial and it is with this method that I apply my textures,
but it does not change, even on other half to.
You will find the download my sketshup model file.
thanks in advance.Sun_3D Model.skp (2.2 MB)

I believe your problem is that you are trying to apply the texture over the group not directly over the surface.
As you can see I split the surface in two for the back and the front, and I applied the projected textures. I used the scale to have a clear texture over the entire surface and also I scaled with -1 to have the texture applied in the right direction.

Dear ely862me,
Thank you for this demonstration. I followed your instructions, I made 2 parts, but I still the same
problem. I beginning to wonder if there would have been a bug in the installation. > Please see attaached file.Prt_Sreen_3.pdf (72.8 KB)
Thanks in advance

Why don’t you share the latest SKP file instead of a PDF?

Hello DaveR
You got it on my previous message.

I am asking to see the SKP file with your results of applying the material AFTER following ely862me’s directions. From your PDF it doesn’t look like you followed them correctly.

It is quite possible after all, I only have two months of practice, I will continue my training on.
I keep you inform. Thanks


By looking at the skp you provided, the initial state of the texture is NOT in “Projected” mode.
See below to set the texture to “Projected” and then try it again. REMEMBER to re-sample the corrected texture first and then apply to the model.

I hope this helps and that this resolves the problem


Hello Chris, I’ve been having the same problem but I do select the ‘projected’ mode. Can you pleasseee help me??
Thank you!

You texture is set to projected while applied to a flat face of the correct size, then you re sample and apply it to a surface of raw geometry (not the outside of a group or component?

Upload the .skp file that fails for you so we can see what you have going on.


Exactly! is the wetransfer link ok? the model didn’t go through. Thank you so much

Ouch 141 mb? What’s in this thing? And why is it autosaved autosave autosave, you have crashed at least three times and are running off the autosaved file each time without saving a fresh file? I’m looking now. What texture is not working for you?

Model info> Statistics> purge unused dropped the file to 54 Mb in one click.

Are You trying to get the upper image onto the lower terrain geometry as I have done in this screenshot? It’s not applying correctly because you are sampling the projected texture and applying it to the outside of the terrain which is a group. To get the texture to map correctly you need to open the group for editing and apply it to the raw geometry inside the group.

Screen Shot 2021-03-08 at 8.05.59 PM

It’s exactly what I wanted! Thank you! How do I get the file? :slight_smile:

Its weird because I did open the group and it wasn’t working …

Try again, it’s pretty simple.

Right click > open for edit (or just double click group).

Choose paint tool, with modifier key pressed to get eye dropper, sample upper surface.

Apply texture to terrain with single click of paint bucket.

Close group.



Thank you sooo much!