Dimensions are distorting how they are displayed

Here is a fun new thing my Sketch Up has started doing. Usually I just save and close out and restart and it fixes it, but now its happening more frequently.
I have attached the FIRST picture of what it does. Then it magically changes to the second picture annotated “phase 2” where the textures change. I’m wondering if its something with Vray because those are the textures that changed.

Scratching my head.

What do you get in LayOut?

When that happens to me in SU, I found if you select the distorted label, right click and cut it with the scissors icon, it can be pasted in place and it will revert back. As Dave suggested, since you have a studio plan, you can avoid that with Layout.

In Layout so far its been totally fine. I was just curious of the cause. So far have been able to work around it without too much issue.

There have been reports of a similar thing in the web version of SketchUp. I haven’t seen it in the desktop version but For any serios dimensioning I do that in LayOut.

I kind of wonder if it’s somehow related to graphics drivers. All the reports are fairly recent. Clearly SketchUp 2023 hasn’t changed in more than a year and there haven’t been any changes in SketchUp 2024 for months.

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