New in the Extension Warehouse, a “?/thought bubble” icon, bottom right, that pops up a “Developer Knowledge Bot” with links to developer resources.
Yes just announced by Craig …
He beat me to it!
Well, … it is his job.
I bet you’re right. But with your display issues, maybe it’s off to the side? Can you check the dev console for something like:
If you don’t have that widget controller, you don’t have it in your region?
<div class="apt-widget-controller-content" style="display: flex;"><button aria-label="Knowledge Center Bot, also known as KC Bot is an onboarding assistant that allows you to see the list of onboarding items in one place for quick and easy reference. This improves your in-app experience." class="apt-widget-dragging-handle dragging-handle"></button><iframe role="img" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" name="widget-icon" class="apt-widget-icon-frame" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" title="Knowledge Center Bot, also known as KC Bot is an onboarding assistant that allows you to see the list of onboarding items in one place for quick and easy reference. This improves your in-app experience." style="height: 58px; width: 58px;"></iframe></div>