hey guys
well , im trying since yesterday to import a dwg file on sketchup , but every time i got a corrupted work
many lines are deleted .
im using autocad 2016 and sketchup pro 2016 ; i tried even with sketchup 8 ! and yet the same prblm
help !
There could be any number of reasons but from the image it is all guessing. Attach the model and dwg and someone can test it.
how can i do that ?
The message box where you just typed ‘how can i do that’ has an upload button, 7th icon from the left at the top.
ok thnk u plan actualisé.dwg (3.0 MB)
I personally can’t help at the moment as I’m on my phone. But I’m sure someone will pop along soon.
ok thnx a lot ^^ … and i hope so
If I open the dwg I see multiple versions of the cityplan. Are you exporting from paper space or model space? Maybe wblock everything you need from autocad to a seperate file and import that one into SketchUp?
i see only 1 file !!!
1 plan i mean …
I see multiple if I do zoom-extends in SketchUp. Top right a small cluster and bottom left another cluster.
I edited the image to show whats inside the circles.
oh yeah right tht’s an other problem but the plan im working on is the one near the circle
i already posted 2 pics showing it
What you show looks like a common issue when importing dwg files: Autocad is notorious for scattering contents far and wide in the model space, so far that SketchUp runs into clipping problems. Try this: select the contents of interest (assuming they are just one of the clusters), copy it, and paste it into a new file. You may also need to adjust the group’s axes afterward, since Autocad also often places the group origin far away from it.
Ok lets look at the part in the bottom left circle:
- Group the vertical part with the line top-down in it.
- rotate that part 90 degrees left
- move to the cluster at the bottom left - zoom until you’re happy with the position
- explode
- start autocad
- explode the top-right block (I’m guessing its a rotated wblock)
- export again to dwg
- import in SketchUp
even on autocad i see only the cluster im working on !
i don’t really know how to do it !
can u plz show me how with screenshot or smthing ?
did you try Slbaumgartner’s suggestion?