yeah i did it doesn’t work ; after all i understood ur solution . but guess wht ! i found that the lines aren’t on the same plan and the vertical one (wbloc) is not rotated with 90degree(but i was able to correct this one ) + it is slightly inclined !! so whn i move it on my plan , some parts are note one their right position so every time i try to move a line to its place , the other lines move frm their position !
I got quite OK results, but the SketchUp file is too large to post anywhere (almost 120 megabytes).
- I opened your DWG in AutoCad
- I selected all (ctrl-a) and then, with a shift+window from left to right deselected what was visible
- then I pressed Delete.
- then I selected all, again, and moved everything to the origin (using the lower left corner of the “frame” polyline as a reference.
- Then I exploded everything twice to convert the file down to lines, arcs and texts.
After saving I imported it into SketchUp, using Meters as the import unit (Options button on the Import File dialog)
I would strongly recommend that you do further cleanup before importing. For instance, the tree and plant blocks convert to a zillion short edges in SketchUp which bloats the file size and makes the file work very slow.
Edit: by removing the plantation blocks the file size went to about 6 MB. I attach the result zipped.plan actualisé (2.9 MB)
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thank you so much