I use Sketchup in my woodworking projects which for me has become essential to my work. With it, I am able to make very detailed models having precise dimensions and also develop accurate material lists for establishing project costs. I have 2D CAD software but I would much rather use Sketchup. It is easier to use, and there are tons of great free teaching resources available.
The models that I use for the shop are gray or whatever color is the default, but if I want a customer to visualize the piece I add some texture or color. Woodgrains and wood colors are preferred but few are in standard Sketchup. That set me on a mission to learn how to add new materials which lead me to a model in Sketchup 3D Warehouse containing woodgrains and colors.
But, how to get them into my desktop Sketchup? The warehouse entry did have a few comments/instructions, but it didn’t seem like any complete process was found. Using the many contributions along with lots of trial and error I have something that works and thought I’d share. My solution is likely not optimal and there are probably training videos all over staring a better or correct method. My instructions include screen-shots which aren’t allowed here, so I made a PDF and loaded to it Google Drive.
Here’s a link to the PDF which I hope will work. Create new materials in Sketchup from JPEGs