I created a new Title Block (Tabloid Landscaoe) and I am trying to add multiple pages to a Layout File. I’m not sure why when I add another page, it adds the original Scene from the First Page that I added dimensions on.
Looks like everything is on a layer that is set to appear on all pages. Move your dimensions to a dimension layer, your viewport to another separate layer, etc…
Something like this:
Now when you create a new page only the title block will be shared
Why does it put it automatically put it on that Layer whenever I send to Layout from Sketchup? I’m not sure why I have to move each image i copy and paste to a specific layer?
I resaved a blank Titleblock and saved it as a template. I copied and pasted a drawing into the new Titleblock I created. If i try and open up a New File and choose the Tabloid Title Block i saved as a template, the drawing comes up in the Template. I saved the blank template separately. I’m beyond confused here…
Why did you save the template with your project file in it?
When you send a SketchUp file to LayOut and choose the template, the viewport gets put on the active layer. Make the layer you want the viewport to be on the active one before you save the template.
This is an example of one my templates. I have a set of layers for model viewports with the bottom one active. Pencil icon to the left of the layer name.
You really should have layers for different entity types such as viewports, dimensions, annotations, etc.
Regarding your SketchUp model and viewports, first, don’t modify the camera position by double clicking into the viewport. There’s no need for that. It can cause problems for dimensioned views if the camera accidentally gets reset.
Also, if you set the scenes up correctly in the SketchUp model, you won’t need to manually tick the Ortho box in the Camera section of the SketchUp model panel in order to set a scale. Your scenes are set up with the Camera in Perspective mode. They need to be in Parallel Projection.
In your your SketchUp model you have geometry strung out over more than a quarter of a mile from the origin.
That’s not good practice. It can create graphical issues especially in LayOut.
Why are you only doing 2D drawings in SketchUp? SketchUp is a 3D modeling application. You’re making your work more difficult by creating all these 2D elevations and plan views and it makes it more likely you will introduce errors when changes are needed to the project. It would be simpler to make a 3D model of the project and create scenes for the required views from it.
This was one I created previously and don’t have any issues. Other than the Page size, I don’t know what the difference between these are and why I’m having issues with saving the Tabloid one.
On this second one you’ve saved the template with the On Every Page layer active so when you send to LayOut, the SketchUp viewport will appear on every page.
As I wrote, set the active layer to be the one you want the first viewport to appear on when it opens.
What do you mean issues with saving the Tabloid one? If you want the tabloid version to be blank, delete the model viewports, dimensions, and anything else you don’t need. Then in Document SetUp>References, click on Purge. Then use File>Save as Template and save it.
Don’t worry about the status shown as Missing in my screenshots. That’s only because LayOut on my computer can’t find the original reference files on your computer. After deleting the project specific content but before deleting. Not sure why but you have what appears to be two references to the same SketchUp file. Maybe you copied from SketchUp and pasted into LO which is not a good practice.
Here’s your template with the unneeded stuff purged and separate layers for viewports, dimensions, and annotations. If you open this and save it as a template, when you send to LayOut and choose it, the viewport will be on the correct layer. OGEE WW Template Tabloid.layout (72.4 KB)
When I try and send to Layout from Sketchup and choose the Template you created for me, the drawing does not open in that Template. Why is this? The image only appears if i open it in a different Template…
I’m guessing you left the template file open after you saved it. Send to LayOut will require you to select a template. Select YOUR template then. It won’t put the SketchUp file in an already opened file. Here I’ve saved your template file to my templates so I can use it.
If you want to start by opening your template and then add the SketchUp file to it, don’t use Send to LayOut in SketchUp. Instead use File>Insert in LayOut and select the SketchUp file.
Are you copying and pasting a viewport and changing the scene in your video? When i copy and paste the viewport and change the scene, the name changes, but the viewport remains the same image…
Yes. In the video I held Ctrl while moving the viewport to create a copy.
That indicates that you’ve done something to modify the Camera properties such as double clicking into the viewport to zoom, pan, or orbit or something else. Compare the SketchUp Model panel on the right side in my video. Note the Camera section does not have a dark gray background or a Reset button. Does yours?
The only things I notice are different are that mine is a Vector Line Scale, and I have Preserve Scale checked in the Camera View. Not sure if this is why I’m having this issue…