Creating groups without right clicking

Is there a way to create a group other than right clicking on the mouse? I am working on a android tablet with bluethooth keyboard and mouse. I can do pretty much all I want so far except grouping and creating components.

Thanks for your help.

Create components by hitting G.

Hi DaveR Do you mean G for group? Or just component?

G for Component as I wrote. Try it.

I tried didn’t seem to work. Where can I check if it is actually a component now ? What about groups?
I appreciate your help,

Did you select the geometry first? This is how it works for me.

Yes I did but I do not get the component window. I tried G, fonction G,
shift G, command G… Nothing.

I only pressed G just as in the desktop version of SketchUp.

Something tells me there’s possibly something about that setup that’s not working correctly. But what, I don’t know.

You’re on Android Dave?

No. PC.

On my PC it works but not on my tablet which is what I use on the road.
Like I said everything else works perfectly.

@Ian: Yes could be…

I’d really like if Make Group had Ctrl+G as default shortcut in both the Desktop and free versions.

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