I’m trying to figure out how to make the top of the case into a 45 degree angle, instead of simply rectangular. This would make that long map angled rather than flat. Suggestions appreciated!
It depends upon how you’ve modeled the case. Can you share the SKP file so we can see?
Are you referring to the top with the various pictures sitting on it? Or are you talking about angling the front of the case?
Hi Dave,
Yes, just the front of the case with the map. Would like to pop it out to 45 degrees. I’m not sure how to share the SKP file.
Save the file to your computer and then use the Upload button, 7th from the left in the message window.
I downloaded the SKP file, but it is too large to upload here.
Upload it to the 3D Warehouse and share the link.
I uploaded to 3D Warehouse but can’t see how to copy a link. Sorry for these tiny issues!
Give us the name of the file you uploaded.
Nevermind. I found it after a search. Hang on and I’ll do something to show you.
Unfortunatel your model is not built very efficiently so it’ll take a bit of work to make the modification. You can select the images and rotate them to 45° with the Rotate tool but you’ll need to edit the cabinet underneath. I’d be inclined to just redraw the entire case. You also need to be watching and correcting the reversed faces as you go.
Thanks. What is the best way to create a case with a 45 degree inset (on which I can put the map)?
Draw a 45 degree line on the profile of the cabinet and push the resulting face along the length of the cabinet. This should trim off the triangle and leave a nice face to place a texture.
Perfect! You guys are awesome.