Crash when purging

Hi there,

New to the forum, however, I am an experienced user of SketchUp 2024.

I am experiencing a problem with a customer’s SketchUp model. This model is extremely slow. It also takes a very long time to replace materials.

I have tried to clean the model by purging, but the model crashes every time after the screen freezes for 5 to 10 minutes. The model is not overly large, I don’t see any strange materials. Can you help?

Thanks in advance!

Might be able to help if you share the .skp file.

Please update your profile. It says you’re using 2023.

What graphics engine are you using? The new one or the classic one?

I was having trouble with a few files and rtches and TIG helped me with a ruby script that you copy paste into the ruby console. Make a copy of your file and give it a try. After running this script purge, I have been able to run the native SU purge with no problems.


Hi Dave!

I’ve updated my profile, thanks. I’m using the new graphics engine.

I’ve tried the code below, it worked it’s magic, as the model dropped to an acceptable 484 MB, where it was 690. Not sure if any components are missing for now, bul we’ll see. Not my model, as i simply make renders of it for my client :).

For future reference, how can i upload my (or other’s) .skp file to the forum?

Thanks in advance!

Upload to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.

That’s better but still sounds like it’s obese.

A BIG thank you for your input. It worked it’s magic! The model has dropped 200 MB of dead weight. :wink:

Have you encountered any problems, using the code? I did not try the code on one of my own models, as i’m currently not experiencing any problems… Just with my clients’.

I’d love to hear form you.

Kind regards,


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Hahah I know, right?

Not my model, so I am less inclined to really downsize the project, if I still get the work done for my client :). I just make some minor changes and render using Enscape. If it works, I’m happy :).

Thanks for your input!

I will definitely come back to you in the future.

You’ve made my day :smiley:


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So far so good for me. As I suggested, make sure you make a backup copy of the SU file before running this code just in case.

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