Components self-exploding after creation

I have an SKP file with a few dozen kitchen parts in. I’m going through the parts one at a time, turning them into components and filling in attributes such as pricing, product code, weight etc. I got about halfway through then realised that almost all of the components I had created had exploded themselves, ie. they were no longer components, or even groups, and had lost any attributes they had. The components that remained unexploded were the last 3-4 that I had created, and the first 4 I had created (see next paragraph). There was no error message or visual indication anything had changed, other than the components simply vanishing from the components tab.

I assumed a corrupted file - after the first 4 components I had got a Windows blue screen error (IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL). I had then rebooted the machine and continued using the recovered file which seemed fine until I noticed the above problem.

Fortunately before starting creating the components I duplicated the file and saved a backup. So I rebooted my machine, checked for Windows and driver updates, installed sketchup 2020 (was on 2019), rebooted again, and started over with the backup file. As I created the 3rd component I noticed the price attribute had auto-filled with the price from the previous component, unprompted. I cancelled creating the 3rd component, and the 2 previous components had exploded. I’ve been using Sketchup a few years now and never seen anything like this?!

Anyone got any ideas? I’m completely at a loss at the moment. If I can’t recover this it’s 3 or 4 days work gone. Thanks!

Run a memory test on the PC is a good starting point. I don’t think this is a Sketchup issue.

there is a setting to

Replace selection with component

that needs to be ‘checked’ when creating the component or it remains as loose geometry…


Yep that is checked. It does create a component - it works completely normally, with the component appearing in components tab and entity info. It’s just it then reverts to loose geometry an unspecified length of time later.

Run a memory test on the PC is a good starting point. I don’t think this is a Sketchup issue.

Thanks I’ll check this out.

Have you tried starting a new file and see if you can reproduce the effect in it? Since an OS crash occurred while editing a model, I’d be worried that the active file got damaged in some bizarre and subtle way.

Have you tried starting a new file and see if you can reproduce the effect in it? Since an OS crash occurred while editing a model, I’d be worried that the active file got damaged in some bizarre and subtle way.

I have now done this, and the file is behaving normally. So I can only assume the file somehow got corrupted before I saved my backup file, hence both files were playing up. Whether the OS blue screen was anything to do with it or not I don’t know.

@RLGL I ran the Windows memory diagnostics tool and this found no errors…

Thanks for your help all!