Components created separately now "stick" together when they touch

I have been using Sketchup Pro for days and LOVING it until something happened. Suddenly this afternoon,

  1. I create a table top (working upside down),
  2. make the table top a component but triple clicking and “Make Component”,
  3. I add a table leg to the bottom of the table top, - Rectangle and Push pull
  4. I try to make the table leg a separate component,
  5. on the third click Sketchup attaches the table top and I cannot explode the objects.

This process was working perfectly for the last day and a half. Now this.

I have gone back to table sketches I created yesterday and add a fifth leg to a previously made table,

I can make the fifth leg into a separate component. When I draw a second table on the same sketch, the attachment problem described above happens.

Is this operator error i.e. I have changed some attribute of sketchup, or has this program gone buggy.

Suggestions PLEASE.

Please share the .skp file so we can see what you’ve got.

How do I upload/ share a file?

Save it first. Then drag the .skp file into a reply here.

Component Attachment problems.skp (271.0 KB)

Here is the side table sketch that will allow a new table leg component, you can try adding a table top and table leg to it.Texas Side Table 25.75 H x 20 L x 14 W.skp (347.0 KB)

The model you uploaded, while it has components shows only loose geometry in the model space. Notice the components show in the In Model components.

Check to see that the tick box for Replace Selection is ticked in the Create Component panel. if it isn’t, the component will be created but the geometry will not be replaced so you’ll still have the loose geometry in the model.

Did you create the Texas Side Table model, too?

I’m curious about why you are modeling the table upside down. That just creates more work for you.

Off to “replace”… No Idea how that was unchecked…So simple. Many thanks. Operator ERROR!

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That box would typically be deselected if you don’t select all attached geometry although you can force it to be on by ticking it. Otherwise you would have to turn it off. Generally you will always want it ticked, though.

I taper legs on most of the 10 tables I have made for family and friends. (I have finally upgraded from the “free” to Pro!!) I find I need fewer guidelines and tapering legs is easier upside down! I just capture the entire piece when I am done and rotate it with the magic “q” and grab a corner and move it back to the axis.

You should be able to model the table right side up and standing on the ground plane with no more guides (if any) than you need modeling it right side up. Whatever works, though.

Another hopefully quick questions, I am starting to use the “Opencutlist” extension. I need to glue panels together to take table tops. As I need to call out a table top as two pieces of 1 x 12 for a 22" wide top, is there a way of modelling a 22" wide top then splitting it easily in Sketchup into two 11" halves, and sho as two components so that the Opencutlist extension will do a complete layout.

*make table tops

Since you need two components to make the cutlist report as you want, you need to create two components. You could model it that way (I would) or you could draw the whole topas a component. Then draw edges to create the centerline. Select only the geometry for one half and make it a component ensuring that tick box is checked. Then select the remaining geometry and make it a component.

I would just model half the top as a component and then copy it to make the other half.

Is the cutlist only for your reference or is it for someone else?

Thanks… I have been making one half of the top and copying it as you suggested. …I thought maybe I was missing a simple Sketchup option. I get to make all this stuff. Buying tools is SO much more useful than shoes! Taking apart old (but good wooden) dressers and making tables is fun.

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That’s cool.

Making a component and copying it is probably the most efficient option.

FWIW, I don’t do that for most table tops. The only time I would show a table top as multiple components is if the parts aren’t glued together as in an extension table such as this.

In this case the halves of the top are components and although each half looks like it’s made of several parts, they aren’t. That’s just a trick with the texture.

I did the same thing with this chest. Each whole panel is a components but I didn’t split the panel into the narrow pieces it would be made from.

I rarely find it useful to split the parts. The overall dimensions of the part are enough for me in a cutlist.

Enjoy the process.

If the widest board I can buy is 12” how would the cultist show the proper cuts that are 11”?

I’m not sure what you are asking. If you know how many board feet the top requires and add your waste allowance, that’s how much wood you should buy.

Unless you are using something like quartersawn oak, you probably don’t want to make a table top out of 11 or 12 inch wide boards. It’s unlikely that it’ll stay flat.

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