I imported a sofa from the warehouse, but as soon as it finished downloading the components I’d already created stopped being visible when I zoom in too close. I can’t get close enough to delete the sofa, even. I’m quite new to the software so I’m not sure if I’m using the right terms. I’ve attached a screen recording of the issue.
(working in the free web app, don’t know how to upload an .skp here to aid in problem solving)
I’d agree with what @john_mcclenahan implied: your issue looks to me like clipping.
Clipping can occur when there is model content far from the origin. Check that the sofa didn’t bring along spurious distant things with it. This is best done by loading it into an otherwise blank file and investigating what you got. I’ve seen models in the 3DWarehouse with hidden objects scattered over a very large area, as if the author hid them and then forgot they were there.
Parallel projection is also more vulnerable to clipping because of the way it handles zoom. The steps John gave will usually fix the view if that is what happened. SketchUp was designed to develop models in perspective projection and to use parallel only for presentations where convention requires it.
@slbaumgartner I also loaded the object from the 3DWarehouse into another blank file and there didn’t seem to be any hidden objects.
What’s parallel projection versus perspective projection?
Thanks, both of you!
The sofa component is quite insane!
About 99,7% of your model is in that.
And it is placed somewhere astronomically far from the rest tof the model: 103 kilometers to the “north” and 163 kilometers below the ground
“Projection” refers to the way that locations in the model are mapped onto your computer’s view screen.
Parallel projection (also called orthographic) is the traditional projection used in mechanical drawings. The model contents are mapped onto your screen along straight parallel rays running perpendicular to the screen. This has the advantage that scale is uniform for all surfaces that are parallel to the screen and parallel lines in the model are displayed as parallel on the screen. This is particularly important in static presentations where a viewer can’t orbit and pan around to investigate the model and can’t use interactive tools to measure things, instead having to rely on manual techniques such as laying a ruler on the image. However, it is an intentionally distorted view that doesn’t look “real”.
Perspective projection corresponds to how images are captured by a camera or when an artist paints a picture. It also corresponds more closely to how our eyes see the world, so it looks more “natural”. Contents of the model are projected to the view screen along rays emanating from the position of an imaginary camera or eye. As a result, parallel lines in the model converge to “vanishing points” instead of being parallel on the view. That sounds bad, but our visual system developed to cope with it because that’s close to how our eyes see. Due to the vanishing points, scale varies with distance from the camera. Without a computer-based app such as SketchUp, it is complicated and difficult to accurately compare the sizes of things in the view.
In the Web versions of SketchUp, the projection is managed within the Scenes tray at the right side of th screen, as is shown opened in your image. That choice of projection is based on which of the two box-like icons you click at upper left. The top one is perspective (which is selected in your image), and the lower one is parallel.
Here is the model with the sofa moved to the model origin.
I sincerely advise you to get rid of it completely and use a lighter (less edges and faces) model. I recently completed a competition entry for a 5000 m² building with an environment model supplied by the arranger. It is a smaller file than the sofa. Foot Set.skp (12.8 MB)
As @Anssi pointed out, the problem is mainly due to the first issue I suspected: objects placed a large distance from the origin. I moved the sofa to the origin and turned on view->hidden geometry and you can then see the immense mass of excess detail he also pointed out. Those black areas on the arms are where the mesh is so dense that the edges can’t be separated on the screen!
Edit/P.S. objects often end up far from the origin like that when they were imported to SketchUp from an AutoCAD dwg. AutoCAD tolerates (and sometimes seems to encourage) geometry that is far from the origin.