Comparison between Sketchup Pro vs Sketchup for Schools

Would like to know what the difference is between Sketchup Pro(Mac) and Sketchup For Schools(Web), is there a compared feature set listing anywhere?

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Good list. One thing it doesn’t mention is 2D printing (3D printing seems to have taken over everyone’s interest). The web versions don’t have any way to print to a given scale. You can get 2D output, and monkey with it scale it by eye in a graphic application, but the desktop version can print to a specified scale.


choose the desktop version if you can.

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The desktop version is the full SketchUp version simply put. It has extensions, which is an absolutely fundamental part of SketchUp. It also has a much better UI in my view, that more honestly reflects how the program works, and with a more clear visual hierarchy, so you understand how things relate to each other.

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