I’m having an issue. I’m trying to draw a room for a client that has a wall with picture frame molding. I was able to draw it up fine. But, when I added color something weird happened. The color only shows from certain angles. When I look straight at the wall its just white. I’m new to SketchUp, and I’m not sure what I did wrong. I tried attaching images but it’ll only let me add one Thank you for any help
Once the forum software lets you, post the skp file. We will be able to tell a lot more from that than from just images.
It says the file is too large for me to upload. Any way around that?
Upload it to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.
What color do you want the walls to have? They have a very light yellowish color called 0053_Ivory in the file you shared.
You can make it show more easily if you enable Use Sun for Shading and adjust the Light and Dark sliders.
FWIW, I see incorrect tag usage in your model. All edges and faces should be created and remain untagged. Only groups and components should be given tags.
Yuo also ought to be purging unused stuff regularly. No point hoarding all these components and materials.
Better than 55% file size reduction by purging the unused stuff.
PictureFrameMouldingWall purged.skp (9.0 MB)
I don’t know why but when I open the file and look at it on my computer it shows that back wall as white not the ivory color. I’m very new to SketchUp, and honestly don’t know what I’m doing. Trying to figure it out as I go. Thank you for the help, I really appreciate it.
You should go through the tutorials at learn.sketchup.com
Keep in mind that without Use Sun for Shading or Shadows turned on the “light source” appears to come from the camera. When you are looking nearly square on to a face that face will appear to be lighter than if the face is at an angle to the camera. You could do as I directed with Use Sun For Shading or you could use a darker color if you must show the model from that vantage point.