CleanUp3 Not responding


I am working on rather large file around 104mb and it is starting to run slow on my computer.

To reduce the file size I have tried running the clean up extension but when I press the clean up button, it just stops responding. Is there anyway to get round this or reduce the file size in another way.

The “Not Responding” message indicates that the extension is actually cleaning up the model. Models I’ve cleaned for others have taken upwards of a couple of hours to do. You can either be patient or you can take some steps to do some of the cleaning manually. Purging unused (Model Info>Statistics>Purge Unused) might help. Depending on how bad the model is, you might consider reducing the amount of things you have CleanUp3 do. Maybe take it in batches.

In the future, it would be wise to run Purge Unused and CleanUp3 periodically as you are modeling to prevent the model from getting out of control. I don’t know what your modeling workflow is but it’s likely there are other things you can do to help keep your model under control as you go so you don’t wind up with this sort of issue.

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I had this same problem. I had to rebuild the room, use the cleanup plugin, and then add a few of the 3d models to the file while running the plugin each time I added those models. So, yes… Now I know I have to use the cleanup plugin and purge unused throughout the whole process of modeling. This post helped me a lot!

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There is one setting that will literally take hours on almost all but a simple cube : erase duplicate faces.

Don’t use that one.

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Yes, I have learned that lesson today as well. There are some 3d models from warehouse that can’t be cleaned up by the extension. I don’t know what are the problems with these models, but they are uncleanable. This thing on duplicate faces can work for some complex things that are not that complex, it might take 15 minutes, but it will work. Now… with problematic 3d models that’s impossible.

Can you share an example of a component that can’t be cleaned up?

Couldn’t clean this up. What could be the issue?

Unfortunately with the way that one is modeled there’s not a whole lot you can do. It could be split in half, the one half copied as a component and flipped. It would preform better but it’s not great. Another option would be to run the Skimp extension on it to reduce the geometry count a bit.

got it! Thanks!

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