Can't un-Zip Campus Download files on a Mac

I’ve started in SketchUp Campus and have downloaded the zip file for the Fundamentals, but am unable to un-zip them. I’ve downloaded three times to make sure, also installed The Unarchiver and literally nothing happens when I double click. Went through some forums, but don’t see an answer. I have the desktop version of '21. Any ideas? And or anyone have the already unzipped files? Thanks

What are you trying to unzip on? Your profile says your operating system is “ios” which would imply an iPad or something. Is that correct?

MacBook Pro 2016 running Catalina

So not iOS but OSX and not SketchUp 2021 as indicated in your profile either. It would help us help you if you’d put the right information there.

What happens if you just double click on the downloaded ZIP file?

SketchUp Pro 2021 Version 21.1.331 - and yes OSX
I double click and it makes the pull out as if to open the file, but then no file appears. Odd

There’s nothing wrong with the ZIP that I downloaded. Maybe it was corrupted in the download process? Try downloading it again.

A folder should appear right next to the zipped file, with the same name. Can you share a screenshot of the file in Finder?

Let’s try this. Select 3-4 files on your Mac, right click on them and select Compress. A zip file will appear in your computer next to those files.

Now try double clicking on the zip archive you just created. Does it unzip as you expect?

Trying to figure out if it’s just this one package or all of them.

Ok this is so weird. I decided to empty my downloads file, as I haven’t in a long time. I scrolled all the way down to make sure there was nothing important, and there at the very bottom - back in 2019! - I found 12 folders of SketchUp Campus! Somehow the unZip sent the folders back in time…super strange.
Thanks all for the advice

If you sort your Finder by ‘Date Modified’, then the unzipped folder itself would show up under the date it was created…so for the course you chose, clearly the files are created back in 2019.

If you switch to sort your downloads folder by ‘Date Added’, then it would show up on the ‘top’ of the pile…for future reference :wink:

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Why are you using unZip? All you have to do is double-click the .zip file and it automatically unzips. This is built in to Finder in macOS (and always has been, basically). It didn’t send them back in time. Either you had downloaded and unzipped them back in 2019, or you’re seeing the date they were created (by SketchUp) which may have been 2019.

NOTE: This thread was not closed out.