Hi, I’ve been using SketchUp and SktechUp for Schools for a very long time and have never had this issue. I have posted for the past three days in similar topics, but havne’t received a responce.
When i log in, I get a constant loop. My admin has checked, it is not blocked from their end and all permissions are in place. We cleared the cache, uninstalled and older versions, tried on several different computers. I still cannot log in.
I put in a ticket with trimble but was told they do not provide support for the free versions.
I am starting school in four days and cannot get to any of the projects I spent the summer building for my students.
I would be deeply appreciative of any help or even a responce that could point me in the right direction.
my school email is jjwillia@teachers.kusd.edu
my school is Bradford HS in Kenosha, WI
My school district is Kenosha Unified School District 1