Can't select certain groups from converted models

I have been having this problem recently. This file was originally created in vector works and exported as an obj. I converted it using transmuter and everything seemed good but there are a few groups I can not select. They show up in sketchup but don’t show up in Twinmotion.

I thought that maybe it was the grouping so I exploded everything and it still didn’t work. I updated to 2024 SU and that did not work either. reboot and restart and problem still there.

I am on a Mac, M3 max with 128gb ram on sonoma 14.1

See images attached and link below to model.

Which one?

Orient the faces correctly, with the white facing outwards.

So you didn’t have any problems selecting those groups that I can not select?

I get that the model needs maintenance on flipping a couple faces but don’t think thats what’s keeping me from selecting a couple other groups

Correctly oriented faces are for viewing in Twinmotion. Regarding selecting other groups, you are the only one who knows what those groups are.

Got it. The rounded edge and window frame highlighted in the image I attached are what I can’t select and thats what is not showing up in Twinmotion but it is showing up in your Twinmotion model and you have them both selected so I am thinking you aren’t having issues selecting it. I still am, however, and have no idea why

The groups are selectable and can be moved.

I uploaded a video of me trying to click those groups to the same link

Probably the way the objects and geometry are grouped creates selection problems for you. Try with View > Component Edit > Hide Rest of Model and look in Outliner to see the nested groups.

Just tried that but I can’t click with of those items so it doesn’t do me much good unfortunately.
I also have Asus ROG STRIX 18" laptop that I opened the model on and it doesn’t work there either so now I am very curious how you are able to select those groups on your computer but I can’t on mine.
Thank you for your help on this. Will you send a link to the model back to me? I am interested to see if by going through your comp somehow fixed it or if I still can’t click it

Your model is a group inside another group.

After 2 double clicks (4 clicks total), I am inside the second level of grouping and I can select and move the objects that you showed.

strange. I have exploded everything and still can’t select. I can’t even delete it

There’s weird scaling of groups in your model. I expect that has a lot to do with this issue. I can’t select the curved surface object at the top of the superstructure either. I don’t know whether this is due to the Vectorworks exporter or Transmutr. Can you export a different file type from Vectorworks to import into SketchUp?

There’s also a lot of unneeded triangulation in the model that could stand to be removed.
Screenshot - 8_27_2024 , 2_39_37 PM
This reduced file size by more than half.

And some incorrect tag usage.
Screenshot - 8_27_2024 , 2_42_32 PM

Dude! I think you nailed it.
So, most of the time, when I convert a file, it comes in with a mess of geometry
BUT the interesting part is the scaling. It doesn’t always hold the scaling and in this case the boat was like 1,700’ long so I used the ol’ opt+measurement tool to scale to the correct size. I just opened the file before scaling the model and I can select the items so I think I need to regroup and scale down differently.
Still would love to know how the other guys were able to open without issues,