I was working on a recorder in SketchUp Web and than the web crashed, luckily web auto-saves every 5 minutes, so I didn’t worry much about the crash. However, when I reloaded the model, there was one group I couldn’t select. Every time I tried, it would select the group behind it instead. When I zoomed out far enough, the group would just disappear. I thought it might be an issue with the web version, so I downloaded the file and imported it as a component into a new file, but still the same problem.
mitsubishi x10.skp (587.6 KB)
this is the sketchup file that I downloaded after the crash
See if this one behaves better. There’s some geometry at a long distance from the rest of your model.
mitsubishi x10 fixed.skp (638.0 KB)
Hello all, I have exactly the same issue. I am working on a larger model where I downloaded some parts from the 3D warehouse. When working on a window everything works fine and then after saving and returning to the model I cannot select the window. What should I do to resolve this issue? I am sharing the sketchup file with deleted larger objects, just the window. Even the zoom have some strage behavior. I am using SketchUp Web free version.
Window.skp (204.1 KB)
Go to Outliner and push on the Expand All Icon. Then a new file pops up. Select that and you can edit your window (as you see in the screen shot).
also, if you get some clipping (the thing that cuts your window in diagonal) clicking on the “zoom extent” usually fixes it
Unfortunately there is no Outliner in the free version.
This is a recent bug in the web version. You need to select from right to left in a larger space for it to be selected and you will see a bounding box out of place.
Hitting enter can open them and fix it, but you need to dig into the nesting, you may need to explode to complete.
Note how I was able to move to a position that allowed me to right click and choose explode.
Thanks a lot for the tip! It worked for me. I selected the window and then hit Enter and do it few times. The issue I resolve by exploding the group and making it unique. I feel that by grouping inside the component I might screw up something. Thanks again, my work is saved
You are an absolute life saver thank you so much!
You fixed it thank you so much!!!