Can't license 2017 pro on my new computer

Old computer died so installed 2017 pro on my new computer but licence did not work
Has been working fine on my old computer since 2017 so not sure what’s going on Went to sketchup and they gave me updated licence and aurthoriation number but they don’t work Message says incorrect version Just want to used my 2017 on my new computer Any ideas thanks John


It is possible that you had maintenance&support active when 2018 version came out. what is the first letter of your licence ?
SketchUp Pro 2020 = V
SketchUp Pro 2019 = U
SketchUp Pro 2018 = T
Sketchup Pro 2017 = S
download the according version

If you purchased version 2017 the license included one year maintenance so you would also have the right to use version 2018. They might have sent you the details of the newest version you were entitled to.

Hi it was S but when they sent the authorization they changed the first letter of licence to T

Hi I think you may be correct but 2018 I can’t find to download but I don’t understand why when I install 2017 on my new computer it won’t accept the original licence

That means that your current license is for version 2018.

when your licence is upgraded, the old serial number & authorization number won’t work anymore. you can still use the previous version on the computer where it had been installed, but if you were to install it on a new one, you have to get the version it is meant for.
2018 is not available on the official website indeed. it can be found here

2018 version brought section cut fills as a new feature, among others.

You didn’t yet use SketchUp 2018, and so both 2017 and 2018 will license ok. When you license 2018, the 2017 one won’t activate anymore. So, might be safest to get 2017 going first, then use 2018 if you need to.

I will send you a message with your 2017 and 2018 license details.

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