I am trying to import a DWG into sketchup on my M1 Mac but I keep getting the message “Some imported geometry is extremely far from the model origin” The import results show the AutoCAD entities that have been imported but all I see on my sketchup model is 1 black line on the red axis. Can anyone help?
Open Import Options
Check that you are using the same import unit as was used in creating the DWG.
If the “Preserve drawing origin” box is checked, uncheck it.
If you can edit the original DWG, delete everything outside the area you need to import.
Maybe the rest of the file is at a long distance from the origin like the message says. Did you try Zoom Extents?
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the suggestion - I did that but it didn’t change anything
Hi Anssi,
Thanks for the suggestion. I did that but it didn’t help. Could the DWG that was sent me be the problem as opposed to my import functions?
Can you share it? I could open in AutoCAD and check it out.
Certainly. As Sean said, can you share it?
Thank you that is very kind of you both.
Mh copy.dwg (7.0 MB)
You have an object located far to the bottom left
If you have Autocad (Draftsight, Bricscad, Nanocad, etc.) you can edit the DWG file to remove the object at a great distance.
You could also create separate files for each board and import them into pieces.
Agreed. This DWG needs to be cleaned up considerably before being used in SU. SO much of that information is not needed.
Thank you for that advice. I have managed to clean it up and convert only what I need into DWG which I have been able to import successfully. However now when I try to explode the imported DWG component it just hangs and then Sketchup crashes
It will be more useful/better for you if you use the DWG (assign a tag and lock it) only as a guide geometry and create your 3D model over it.
Learn form Campus by SketchUp: 3 Ways to Boost Your CAD to 3D Workflow
Thank you all so much. I managed to resave as DWG (2013) and the file is fully functional in my sketchup. Thank you all for your help.
Hi, I have the same issue! How do you clean up the dwg? I have unclicked the box that says ‘preserve drawing origin’ but nothing happens, a box appears that says ‘import failed’
Post the DWG file if you can. You can also post the SKP file that results after you import. Did you try the things suggested in various posts in this thread?
Hi, Yes i did but it keeps saying ‘failed to import’
I have attached the file here. I have a few different DWG files for the different levels of the house, but i have attached the ground floor.
0127 GF-Ground Floor rev D.dwg (24.7 KB)
duplicate from
for clarity, best use the other thread
I viewed the DWG in Autodesk DWG TrueView and Rhino. DWG TrueView showed a message about missing XREFs. I didn’t manage to find anything in the Model Space of the file, it seemed completely empty. The information was probably in the missing XREF files. SketchUp doesn’t support importing Xrefed entities, so whoever created the file should bind the files before the import to SketchUp can be tried.