Can't get Curviloft to work

Oke, that’s a different story indeed…

The model you posted above without anything done to it.
GIF 13-03-2022 2-29-55 PM

Thats what I want it to do. To give context, when I click that icon, one line highlights in red with a #2, and the second one highlights purple with a #1

Once again, I think if you carefully select the two curves avoiding the stray edge and the micro group, it should work.

curviloft niblet 2

Perhaps this.
GIF 13-03-2022 3-26-32 PM


Great point. That works on the original model too.

Starting to get somewhere, I can follow that until I click the check mark, nothing happens

I don’t know what to tell you, it works for both of us so there must be something going on on your end.
I would reboot the computer to start with and see if that works.
If not I would Repair the install of sketchup, find or download a fresh copy of the install.exe, right click it and choose Run as Admin, then select Repair when given the option. Reboot PC.

Appreciate the help

Got it to work!!!

Reboot? Or repair?

Repeatedly slelecting/unsettling lines and check marks until something different happened. Finally menu options came up for Spline Method and selected Juction by Connected Lines (which i came across in the Sketchucation Forum). Now it works good

Thats what I want it to do. To give context, when I click that icon, one line highlights in red with a #2, and the second one highlights purple with a #1

I spent the last 1/2 hour dealing with the exact same issue: Fredo6 Curviloft, Loft along spline curves stopped working. I used a new file and started by making a circle and a square directly above, selected them, selected loft/spline icon and when it opened: one line highlights in red with a #2, and the second one highlighted purple with a #1. Clicked the green check mark and nothing. Similar results with the example in this thread with offset arcs.

After a computer restart, un/re install /Curviloft I saw the same results. Finally some triple clicking on the square and circle to select them and select green check and it performed the lofting. Then I tried selecting between Geometry options: quad and SU curve; I had Spline method already set to “Junction by connected lines”.

Now after testing other cases, Loft by Spline is working. Not sure if I set some parameters to something it chokes on. Is there a recommendation on settings of Curviloft parameters ?

Hi, I have same problem. uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin, fresh start the PC doesn’t work either. Funny thing is, it work when I applied it on the unparallel straight lines but if failed on curve lines. Any ideas? Thanks in advance

Could you open the Ruby console before launching Curviloft. There should be an error displayed.

Hi Fredo. Here it is. Not sure if I used it correctly Ithe ruby console)

Ruby console in menu extension > Developer. Then, once open, launch Curviloft.

I cannot reproduce the bug.


Which version of Curviloft and LibFredo6 do you have?


PS: I wonder why your 2 posts were flagged…