CurviLoft causes bug splats

Any time i use curvi loft and switch the spline method from default, it crashes. the shape is a simple shape. The default shape works fine but is not at all what i want. All the other spline methods crash.

IF i do get it working, anyway to offset the loft to add thickness to the shape so i can print it?

thanks for the help
curvi loft crash

paint style mask 2020 su version.skp (182.9 KB)

Your pieces are too small. Scale them up by 100 and try again. Or make them into a component and then scale another instance of the component to perform the loft on (the Dave method).

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so this is a tiny face issue? ok, ill give it a go. give me a minute please:)

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Ok, that worked for me. Now is it possible to offset the loft by 3mm so its easier to print?

did not know tiny face issue happened with this tool. i see the loft as one face, not many.

Do you mean add thickness to the lofted surface? So that a cross section is 3mm wide?

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yes, offset by 3mm so it creates thickness:)

thank you my friend

Use JPP on the inner surface? Like this?


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joint push pull… i remember that extension form a while back. thanks. ill go and download that. This is my first attempt at curvi loft and i LOVE it


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Curviloft and Joint Push Pull, both outstanding extensions. Remember to perform the JPP on the scaled version still to avoid tiny faces. Set the offset to match the scale, so say 30cm to get a 3mm offset in the actual size, depending on what you scaled up to.

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ok, so let me ask this with curvi loft. when i selected the top edge profile, and then the bottom edge profil, it lofted between them, but now i have added some arcs from the top profile to the bottom like so, and the curviloft doesnt like it?

i tried the skinning option, and it worked , but still not the shape im looking for. Anyway to change the type of spline the skinning feature uses?


thanks for the reply about the scale. i need to remember that. JPP seems to be very powerful. im super glad i use this program:) and i have friends like you guys

The tiny face issue is not a function of the extension used. It’s always present. The same thing we’ve talked about before applies to this model too. As I’ve suggested to you in the past, use meters as the model units. Enter mm or inches as if they are meters.

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