Can't find the plug-in download

I recently purchased Jacob Samuel’s Bezier Curve Manager (3.2) from Extension Warehouse. I need to locate it for installation, but it’s not in the downloads folder and Spotlight (I’m on a Mac) draws a blank. Wrote in through their help center 3 days ago but never heard back from Trimble.
I have the receipt, but that’s no consolation…
Ideas, anyone?

Try downloading it from website?

That’s where I got it from originally…

did you see it download? Are you using a supported version of SU?

You know you can login to the E Warehouse from within SU and install directly.

I was expecting to, but no. I get an “Install within Sketchup” prompt from the Extension Warehouse portal, where it used to read “purchase”, but that only leads back to the help page…

I’m using Make 17.

is it listed in your ext manager?

Nope, nor is it in the SU preferences pane or in the SketchUcation Extension Manager’s

I am assuming you have restarted SU since the download.

I have now; The extension still doesn’t show up in any of the previously mentioned windows.

ok now try going back to the EW and use the install from within button

If you are seeing the ‘Install’ button rather than the purchase button you have managed to buy it.
So rather than doing things in a browser go to the Extension Warehouse from within Sketchup and install it directly.

Go to Window/ Extension Warehouse and sign in if your SU isn’t already signed in. Go to the drop down for My Extensions top right under your name, select the one you want to install and away you go.


Done; This leads me back to SU’s help page.

That did it; Thanks…

@tt_su @ChrisFullmer , would it be possible to allow RBZ download in standalone web browser for paid extensions too, and have the licensing being handled silently when the RBZ package is installed into SU?

I think a lot of people prefer to use a “real” web browser to a window inside of SketchUp. At least I only use the internal browsers when I have no other option. It’s just so much more comfortable to be at home in your own browser, with bookmarks, tabs, option to minimize to taskbar, an address bar for navigation etc.

As an extension vendor myself I find the EW UX to be one of my biggest problems. Quite a lot of users struggle to figure out how this all works.

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And then , there’s SketchUcation’s sites and toolbars. In the next topic, Box tells me to use that, whereas here he steers me to EW. I’ve started using extensions months ago, and am still fuzzy about each extension management method’s drawbacks and advantages…

The Plugin you asked about in this thread is available from the Extension Warehouse, the one in the other thread is from Sketchucation.
If you had asked about several others I would have told you about the specific places they could be downloaded from.

Is that information available anywhere else? I’d hate to have to pick your brain every time I’m considering downloading an extension…

I’m not implying you’re fickle; I’m saying that the situation is hard to navigate.