I activated the Trail Sketchup version in November and a week later I bought the Pro subscription and thought I just should be able to continue with the bought version after the trial. Now Sketchup 2019 on my Mac tells the Trial version has ended and that I need to buy Sketchup, under Subscription is just the Sketchup Free licens that has ended so I can’t change to my Pro version.
When login to the sketchup web I can only see the Free version under Plans.
Under Members I’m the only member with correct email address.
When I go under Plan Settings I can see both the Free and the Pro version(!) and both are Active and have total Seats 1.
I can’t do anything to the Free version so I can’t unautorhize or so, and can’t add any members.
How do I make the Pro version as active on my Mac?
I tried to reinstall Sketchup and logoff and logged in again but still it’s the Trial as ended.
I have no other members on my account than my ordinary email which are assigned to the Free plan.
I cant assign any members to the Pro plan, don’t find the option for it… I are not able to see which email it are assigned to as Pro only are visible under the Plan Settings.
Thanks for your help.
Today when we logged in to the site and looked at the Pro plan we suddenly had got the button for add a member to the SketupPro Plan! So now we could add our selves to that plan.