Can Push Pull work at a diffgerent angle?

In Push Pull I was wondering if it is possible to pull or push at a different angle from straight up or out . . Like maybe at a 80 degree angle from up or out ? . .i AM Making a tooth for my Denture and I broke out the last one I made after 9 months . .TOOK A LOT OF CUTTING DOWN WITH A DREMEL on the last Tooth . . So trying to cut the amount of Dremel work down !

Sounds like a protractor guideline, followed by a tape measure guide point, followed by a move/copy, followed by connecting with a line tool job. Just a guess.



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Push pull always is perpendicular to the face, whatever the angle

You could also reorient the axes to match the plane your working with as an option to work on some odd angle.

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It may be possible to use Push Pull to extrude perpendicular to the original face, then select the top (i.e., end) face of the new extrusion and use the Move tool to slide that face sideways (parallel or coplanar to the face itself), using a pre-created guideline that is angled to help set the amount of displacement to match a desired angle.


Or you could try Fredo’s Joint PushPull, from SketchUcation Extension store. (Not free). His extension can push pull multiple faces, and along a given vector in one option.

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Fredo’s plugin is definitely the way to go. It offers at least half a dozen different methods of push-pulling.

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As mentioned above, the Move tool can be used as a push pull like tool. Just have to stay on axes and has the potential to stretch attached elements with the move. This can be handy in creating angular shapes such as raised panels.

This function requires at least 2 sets of concentric edges (as like a square within a square) with faces between. Select the center face, use Move as if it were push pull, tap CTRL to cause the stretching action.

Move can move a face in ANY direction

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thank you

Hummm Thanks will try this one !