Can anyone lend me a large file sketchup for testing my new computer?

I bought a new computer but i feel that my computer is a bit struggling when I was using another program. And i have to use sketch up for my class next week so I want some large file sketchup like any model house condo or anything that was large to run some test on enscape to see that my notebook is broke or not.

3d warehouse

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You can Benchmark it with the files on this thread, You must install the ruby console plugin.

I downloaded some file on 3d warehouse that was 20-30 mb but my computer can render those files so that means my computer was alright ? or it us just a small file ?

go to

in the 3d models section you’ll find 150MB+ models, dining rooms, living rooms…

It’s not the file size but the amount of faces and edges in your model that determine how heavy a model is. You can check that in the Model Info>Statistics window by checking the “Show nested components” box. If your computer can zoom and orbit a model with 1…2 million faces without significant lags it should be OK.

nah, it’s there by default. it’s in extension menu / developers
you probably have an advanced one, there are a couple, but for the benchmark the standard one is enough

@reality if you want to try a black hole of a file, check this one. 14mb but 60 million faces.

:fast_forward: test-02.skp (234.4 KB)

The file opens with Scene 1 for faster loading, but you can try rendering Scene 2.

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That will put any computer on its knees, probably unnecessary to test.

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Here is my work-in-progress model (DropBox link) of the Viking '75 Mars lander (built by Martin Marietta in the early 1970s, two of them landed on Mars in 1976). It has many millions of edges and faces, no textures.

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Capture d’écran 2025-01-29 à 15.54.11

and we can appreciate the compression job that came in 21.

17,2M lines and 8,4M faces. 187Mb of pure geometry. that’s gorgeous !

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Hi @reality
I’m not an expert in this field, but I found a guide on PC components a while ago (sorry, I don’t know who the author is). It explains the role of each PC component in relation to SU+LO.

I completed a complex project on a weak computer with no crashes. The key is to keep the 3D model organized (components, tags, edges, faces, groups, textures, styles).
I hope you find it helpful!