Calling for testers for the Trimble Drawing Beta Programme!

That’s very strange because I had the issue but doing that fixes it for me. My scenes panel is displayed as a list.

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I understand this is for other Trimble apps as well, but as a Sketchup Pro user I have been complaining about Layout for years, and see very little improvement in Layout. It may work for simple stuff, but falls over with scale and detail. We paid for Sketchup pro, We paid for layout as part of it. Sketchup works and we get great models, Layout is awful and we cant easily or reliable get 2D construction documents out of layout. I just wish they’d fix Layout, so we can actually use our models.


I did the feedback test - it doesn’t take long and is quite interesting.

It’s a bit hard to tell from the Pre_Alpha, but we’ll assume Drawing will include Scene and Style control for SKP files, as well as a few image, text and table tools so supplement the CAD toolset.

But then…I really don’t see why I would want to:

 a) Use Layout AND drawing which overlap in function quite a lot.

 b) Use Drawing to produce simple CAD geometry, when SketchUp can do this.

So, it’s an interesting product in that it fits between SketchUp and LayOut; but does it really compliment them enough that I’m going to add a third (Cloud-based!) piece of software to my workflow? How is it complementary if people I work with stop using LayOut and start using Drawing to produce documentation from SketchUp?

But what if Drawing became like an extension for SketchUp?
What if LayOut included some the tools from Drawing (like the interface and Snap adjustments), and became a standalone product?

I’m so confused…!

I also wonder how it will be licensed if you’re a SketchUp Free/Go user (SketchUp go + Drawing = no need for Sketchup pro??)

Anyway…I’m also impress/shocked that Trimble is even offering this testing opportunity as usually they are secretive as heck about everything… maybe this signals a change in mindset? (hah)


Well sign me up and call me Terry,

Would love to see this be a Layout>Sketchup Duo, similar to AutoCAD model/paperspace in the same program.
Sketchup is the perfect balance between usability and functionality. Layout could also be there with a lot of work, Although I find it hard to use it in the construction industry when all the big ‘heavyweights’ or your average architect uses Revit, ACAD and other programs that lack proper usability with sketchup.

I currently dread being asked for a .dwg file/s from my Layout drawings purely because every time the other guy has Acad or Revit, which are not commercially feasable for me currently.
Feels like
Client: “Hey can you send through the drawings in .dwg format?”
Me: "Uh, yeah, um about that, there was a technical glitch and it turned the drawings into spaghetti and then my Cat walked over the keyboard so,um, no. "

not to mention other issues.


What if someone sends you a .dwg (or image or PDF)? Do you want to bring that into SU or LayOut? If Drawing has Polyline, Spline, and Arcs isn’t that a better ‘pre-processing’ option than SU or LayOut?

If Drawing is its own ‘interface’ and it saves in Trimble Connect Projects, TC has an extension in SU to upload to, and download from TC Projects. It could be that TC import option could be used to quickly import Drawings.

I’m not confused…

As I attempted to convey above this is not just for SketchUp and Layout users – I am seeing this as an improved Trimble CAD Viewer that is available for all users of Trimble Connect.

And there will be many users of Trimble Connect who either do not or not much have SketchUp/Layout as part of their workflow.

It’s not like Trimble said to SketchUp – “Hey, those SketchUp users are moaning again about poor CAD export – let’s forget about trying to improve Layout, can you Layout guys create a new CAD app”.

e.g. I might be a construction field solutions provider using one of Trimble’s other products and would be using Connect to collaborate with colleagues and other consultants and an improved CAD Viewer might be very useful to me.

But hey, I don’t work for Trimble so what the %@$&* do I know.

As for DWG collaboration – and this works for my needs – I export linework only from SketchUp and share that together with my PDF construction documents with other consultants. Not once has anyone asked me for a DWG that contains my title block, annotations and notes.


What if someone sends you a .dwg (or image or PDF)? Do you want to bring that into SU or LayOut? If Drawing has Polyline, Spline, and Arcs isn’t that a better ‘pre-processing’ option than SU or LayOut?

Generally into Sketchup, which is what I do now.
I also use AutoCAD so I can open and tweak things if needed but that’s fairly rare.

Is pre-processing going to be something that Drawing will handle?

  • Converting Global Line widths to 0
  • Converting leader text into something readable
  • Selecting how many facets or size of facets that a circle or arc should default to
  • Squashing Layers or tagging by edge Color.

These are good things to expect from Drawing, but if they are available in Drawing then I’d ask why can’t they be in SketchUp also?

In those cases where there are curves/arcs, I’d prefer something better. You have AutoCad (so you’re good). But some of us aren’t trying to get into 2D (construction docs) as much as out of it into 3D. I’d like to be able to trace out those lines more effectively (under the SU/Trimble).

I don’t know about the first two items. Maybe on the second (could be nice). But the ability to better re-create circles and arcs would be very welcome (at least for how I’m using SU).

Tags, Layers, Groups, and Components (objects) are available in Trimble Connect. Plus, you can go to TrimBim and .dxf. With those file types you can use Visualizer and -I believe, not sure- Trimble Creator. In addition, you can bring those into Unity and other Real Time renderers.

It seems to me that a cohesive software ecosystem is being developed under the Trimble umbrella. Not sure if SU should ‘do it all’. At some point user interfaces become too cluttered (not user friendly and more intimidating for the new-comer). A software suite gives you the interface and tools needed for specific tasks in one place without the ‘bloat’ of having a lot of tools where you don’t need them.

Having an opportunity to see what’s up and coming was fun.

Do you use plugins? I use the 2023 version and I’ve been working with big projects and a lot of scenes, updating them every now and then and I haven’t had any crash by doing that.

This is what I see as well. If I receive files, they are PDF, image files, or paper plans. The two former I import into SU and scale. City planners and structural engineers accept PDFs and image files.

Hypothetical use case: “Hey Paul, would you send me the Trimble Drawing plan so I can take measurements and do layouts”? “Sure”. Quick convert and everyone now has what they need for their part of the project.

Not sure if you’re responding to me (sort of)?
I was considering the original post and the PreAlpha guidelines

This app is designed to complement your SketchUp &LayOut workflows.

(so they’re asking for our own perspective).

I can totally imagine a lot of people using Drawing who aren’t anything to do with SketchUp and I assume that is the idea behind it… I work with field surveyors, ecologists, geologists, QSs, etc who might use it (and other trimble stuff).

It seems to me that a cohesive software ecosystem is being developed under the Trimble umbrella.

Yep, seems like it… “COHESIVE” is the operative word. We don’t really want a repeat of AutoDesk where they have 99 products, but they don’t actually communicate that well together (not that I’m an expert on that).
In future I can imagine using Trimble Connect a lot more. As much as I would love SketchUp to be the jack of all trades, I do like the idea of the “Toolbox” approach to software. Lots of simple yet specialized tools that work seamlessly together.

3d modelling is done in SketchUp.
Survey comes in from Realworks
Sheets are compiled and produced in LayOut
2d Drawings are done in …? Drawing Or SketchUp?
Visualizer to produce the rendering environment…
and Trimble Connect is able to be the conduit for everything.

It could work but it has to be kept simple…otherwise you get lots of functional overlaps, more complexity across all software, and difficulty in achieving a unified workflow.

However, we don’t see that Toolbox idea adopted much with Autodesk users… Our firm has all the suite options but few staff use more than 1 product as their primary tool. Most approach it like this:
A painter uses a paintbrush. A pen might be better for some tasks, but that’s for someone else to use.

Sorry if I’m dragging this off topic!

Hi JQL, thanks…to be honest, viewing scenes as a list definitely makes a difference. Instead of crashing immediately SU crashed after updating a scene. :frowning:
But am I the only one having these issues? I work with two monitors, are you?


Add to add to your list, VR/AR/MR/XR. DXF, OBJ, FBX, Point Clouds… where there is interoperability there is cohesion (says me, I guess).

Hopefully, Drawing will have a set of functions for specific set of problems with a clear user interface.

This is Sketchup+Layout’s greatest pain. I have been pointing out errors all my Sketchup life. When they released Layout’s export to Sketchup I made huge lists of reports with bugs and fixes and changes we’d need. All of them seemed minor, one of them was not. Almost none were fixed.

That’s what it should have been.

Trimble costumers that don’t use Sketchup wouldn’t feel the difference.

Sketchup users would be better served.

But then again, this is only true, because Layout’s shortcomings and huge collection of little issues with DWG export aren’t fixed.


Agree with you 100%

And not just SketchUp users, also anyone who makes drawings in Layout and especially those in the construction industry.
I know it will likely not happen anywhere in the near future but I for one would love to see ACAD but if it were sketchup/layout. ie, one progam, all functionalitys, nurbs, + sketchup and its extensions and so on.

Even if Layout was updated to industry levels or thereabouts, and had an API for extensions etc

Anyway I’m interested to see where this goes. IMO I feel Trimble are working too much on other ‘things’ and could possibly put more focus on one thing and crunch it out (although in saying that I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes).


I’m not so much into nurbs, but I can see how it can be a big deal (hae you tried Rhino?).

I’d like to have Sketchup + Layout dealing seamlessly with DWG and IFC or Trimble Connect Drawing being able to fully replace Layout, using an offline app.

TrimBIM imports is the way to go. At the moment it’s the best way to import a DWG file into Sketchup (thanks @MikeWayzovski for the heads up)

There should be an auto conversion tool for any filetype supported by Trimble Connect into Sketchup via TrimBIM and out of Sketchup via TrimBIM.

Sketchup and Layout should work natively with TrimBIM files.

I’m amazed how there’s no information around TrimBIM.

Trimble Connect is a huge deal, Sketchup is just part of it and it must bridge way better with it so we can be more competitive within AEC, BIM and all the industry standards.

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Kudos for The Big Lebowski reference


First, I would like to remind everyone about the NDA for this specific testing program and that specific details should not be shared on this forum.

FWIW, I joined Trimble a year ago to join the digitilization that has been going on in the construction industry and the pace it is getting at for the most recent years. Let’s just say I liked the open character towards BIM and collaboration as opposed to the centric approach of other companies.

I knew that Trimble was and is acquiring companies to eventually ‘Transform the way the world works’ and in doing so, looks like a room filled with furniture from different cultures, regions, styles and disciplines but we do have a vision to create a ‘rug that ties them together’ for our customers to sit (or lie) on.


So, when googling (admittedly, I know what to Google) one can find that Quadri uses Graebert AGP for Trimble Civil Drawing in their Civil platform:

Trimble Civil Drawing Brochure - English

Trimble MEP Europe (formerly known as Stabiplan) uses IntelliCAD:

IntelliCAD® Technology Consortium: The intelligent alternative for CAD developers

And of course the online CAD platform which is used in Trimble Connect:


One might see this invitation to yet another software as a way of getting more money out of your pockets, but One might also be looking at as a way to have an influence of where we’re heading. (actually, the way the industry is heading, with all it’s specific problems like shortage of manpower, automated workflows that can be done with AI, etc.)

@JQL The TrimBIM format is not specifically meant to be used as a ‘Rosetta stone’, it can be considered as a by effect when it was needed to have a format that’s light weight and universal and to be used on mobile devices with less capable internet connections. More to come:)


@MikeWayzovski Looks like you’re playing with all the fun toys! Wondering about NDA ‘feedback’: were any of my comments, ah… too much? I had it in mind and it didn’t seem to me I said much and used if statements. Just asking since I intended to honor the NDA.

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