I add a texture of tiles, or floor boards, or anything similar. I go to my asset and set the glossiness, than I go to map section and set a bump image file with the bump.
My floor is on an angle in relation to the axis. I use the bucket to add the texture to my model. The texture comes out in a wrong position, so I move the texture or shrink it.
In SketchUp a face can only have one set of texture coordinates (and only one texture/material). In some other modeling programs, faces can have independent texture coordinates for every material layer.
It is possible that the VRay plugin can store extra texture cordinates for every texture, but did not update them when you edited the texture position.
Maybe VRay has an option (toggle, lock icon) to lock the position of several textures together?
Probably (Ihave never used V-Ray) you will have to adjust all your texture layers separately. The rendering application doesn’t know how to align different textures automatically.
In a rendering application you need some kind of UV mapping to keep the components of a material shader in place. Usually the different bitmaps can differ in size and their position, spacing etc. can vary. For instance, a wood siding can consist of a wood texture and a bump or displacement texture to take care of seams. I would guess that on a component or a group, like in SketchUp, any texture placement is more or less random.
I haven’t experienced something like this, i’m just wildly guessing. I think V-ray keeps all added maps somehow linked together (rotation, transformation etc.), so tried to guess a way of adding (or rotating) a texture that breaks the link with maps. I hope that makes sense
@nullo Could you explain how do you make this operation?
It is actually not at all random. The default texture placement (the one used when no texture placement is specified for the individual face) uses the local origin protected to the face’s plane as UV origin. V is the axis in the face’s plane closest to the local blue axis (normal * Z * normal) or in the case the face is horizontal (normal % Z == 0) the green axis (Y). U is perpendicular to V and 90 deg clockwise of it, when seen from the front side of the face (v * normal).
I often move the local axes for the purpose of texture positioning, rather than doing it face by face.
Regarding how V-Ray reads the texture placement I don’t know how it can get it differently for the different maps. Even if V-Ray read SketchUp’s default texture positioning wrong, at least the bump map and diffuse map should match internally within V-Ray. I’m suspecting the settings for the bump map of this specific V-Ray material are wrong.
@Nullo What happens if you apply the same material to another face and render that? Also, does this face lie inside a mirrored group/component? Perhaps there is a bug in V-Ray regarding mirroring and flipping of axes.
It looks like you used the same texture for the floor as the tile accent wall in the kitchen. The bump map on the accent wall looks great! I’d recommend making the floor a unique texture, but no promises on it solving the problem. Or you could try using a different texture for the floor. Might I suggest the tile texture used on the adjacent floor?