Bill of materials

I am currently using the web based free version. My question is what version do i need to upgrade to, to be able to print a bill of materials?

If you upgrade to SketchUp for Desktop (Pro or Studio) you can use SketchUp’s in-built Report Generator or any of a number of extensions that can create various reports. What kind of projects are you ding for which you need a bill of materials?

I have laid out a floor plan for a house and created a component for each 2x4 … cut piece and whole board. thats basicly what i was wondering if the “GO” version let you do a BOM or if i was gonna have to pay $350 for a BOM. Sketch up isnt something i use alll the time. This was just an idea i had to see about what the cost of building a house myself vs. having a builder do it.

Since it’s a personal one-off sort of project it’s probably cheaper to figure it out manually. SketchUp Go doesn’t offer the Reoprt Generator nor does it have any facility for using extensions. Since you are making components of the parts you can select an instance in the model and look at Entity Info to get a total number of them.

Thanks Dave, thats the info i was looking for. unfortunately , i have about 50 components just in the walls haha. I do greatly appreciate the info !


If you were to post your (near) final model here, someone (me for instance) with Pro could run either Generate Report or Open Cutlist for you as a one-off.

A manual take off is not terrible… I just did one for a playhouse design I did… because of the angled roof, every piece was angle cut, so I could not use Generate Report or an extension to get a cut list. Generating a full cutlist with angle cuts only took a few hours for about a hundred pieces.

If you name your components intelligently, selecting one will tell you the number of instances in your model in the Entity Info panel. Unfortunately the Web version lacks the Model Info>Statistics pane that gives a rudimentary list of components and their quantities in the desktop version (FR!)

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yeah, its not all that bad, just time consuming transferring over to an XL doc.

thanks John! i still haven’t completed the Model yet