Best Mouse to use with SketchUP Pro on a MacBook Pro with macOS 11?

What is the best mouse to use?

Personally, I use a Wacom tablet plus the MacBook Pro track pad for the middle wheel zooming, but I do have a Logitech MX Master which has a nice feel to the buttons. The 2S I have has had trouble connecting to Bluetooth on at least my versions of OSX, but using the included little USB dongle solves that problem at the expense of one USB port. Newer mouse, newer MacOS might not have the problem.

I love the Mac Magic Mouse for all apps except Sketchup. I can’t get it to Orbit/Pan properly, no idea why. I use a small Logitech mouse that fits my hands well. The middle scroll wheel is the key to efficient work. I tried a trackball mouse, but never found the groove. Others swear by them. It is all ergonomics, and not technology. Find one that is comfortable in your hand, and you are good to go.

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I highly recommend the Logitech MX Master. I have an older version but I’m confident the new one is as good or better. Lot of customization available which can be very helpful in sketchup.


I’m with @monospaced MX Master is the best mouse I’ve ever used!

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MX Master :mouse:

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You can consider these:

I am currently using the compact wireless and it is competing with the MX master. (I had an MX Master until it broke because I dropped it accidentally…)

BTW: I have this too: They complement each other very well in SU and in other programs.

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Thank you to everyone for your very helpful answers to my question.


Be careful when choosing peripherals for SU/MacOS. Driver compatibility can produce unexpected results. Especially troublesome is the 3Dconnexion Space Navigator on the Mac ( Works perfectly on Windows ). Do yourself a favor and search the forum for the particular device you are considering. :wink:

Besides the 3Dconnexion Space Navigator (not really a mouse), what mouse are you aware of that has driver compatibility issues with macOS? You brought it up, so I am curious.

I was referring to peripherals in general because of previous posts covering “pointing devices”. Don’t know of mice issues with SU other than Apple’s magic mouse mentioned earlier. I will say that the magic mouse with the space navigator provides a natural, fluid motion with SU (back with SU2019 and Catalina/Mojave and older driver versions). This combination overcomes the issues with the magic mouse used individually. Of course, getting the space navigator to work today with SU2021 has it’s own separate issues. Hope this helps …

So you’re not aware of any driver compatibility issues with macOS beyond the Space Navigator, which isn’t really a mouse. For a minute there I thought you were serious and maybe had a single example of an “unexpected result.” Glad that’s not the case. To my knowledge, there isn’t a single mouse on the market that isn’t perfectly compatible with macOS.

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3DConnexion may have contributed to the confusion by renaming the Space Navigator to Space Mouse a few years ago, despite the fact that as @monospaced noted, it is a very different animal than what most of us would call a “mouse”. For conventional mice, the data interface has been standard for a long time now, and it is only when a mouse has special features such as programmable buttons, gestures, or other things beyond the traditional two buttons and scroll wheel that there is any issue with drivers.

Logitech MX Ergo. After you get used to the ball and thumb movement, you will really appreciate its design.

I’ve worked in SketchUp for 20 years none, the last 11 on a Mac. I’ve found Logitech Mice to work the best although I had an issue with an iMac and an M330 that required a hub that hangs down below the screen so that the USB receiver works properly. For my MacBook Pro with only USB-C ports I use a Logitech M535. It’s bluetooth so I don’t give up a port and have nothing dangling off the side of the MacBook when in use. It works flawlessly but is a bit small for my hand. It works equally well for either left or right hand and pretty inexpensive. Battery life is great. I work with my left hand on the keyboard and my right with the mouse. I tried a wired 3Dconnexion and after so many years this way my hand movements were too much to overcome to make it useful.

I’m a user of the Elecom Huge Trackball.

I have had numerous problems with Elecom’s compatibility with macOS. Just recently the upgrade I had to do to 10.15.7 completely rendered the Elecom UI unusable. My presumption is that the driver is still working because the mouse works, but I have had to move over to Steermouse to do any key mapping.

Additionally, I have recently had to move to another computer in my studio. I was on a 2019 MacBook Pro and due to graphics complications, I have had to downgrade to my older 2013 Mac Pro. I have posted numerous times about the slowdown issues with Layout mainly in scrolling on the mouse. What I just discovered yesterday was that my Mac Pro doesn’t have the same issues with the mouse scrolling and Layout seems to handle itself better with the Elecom mouse then the MacBook Pro. The Mac Pro has 64gb of RAM and the MacBook Pro has 16gb RAM.

Would that indicate that RAM is important to how a mouse functions within Layout? Not smart enough to know the answer to that.

The MacBook Pro is running 10.15.7 and the Mac Pro is running 10.14.6.

Would that indicate that OS updates have complicated the driver functions? Also not smart enough to know the answer to that.

I was sure you used CADMouse by 3Dconnexion!

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I have had one in the past. I really do like the size of it, but there were not enough shortcut buttons on it for me. Plus, I have kind of fallen in love with the thumb test on the Logitech MX mice… when I use other mice I end up dragging my thumb across the desk!

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Was this before or after you updated the driver from the Elecom website? Maybe try that out if you haven’t already.

It’s entirely possible. Elecom only supports up to a certain operating system. If you go beyond it then you may risk losing support. Best to wait until Elecom is ready for the next OS before upgrading if it is that important.