Beginner help

Yes, I am a beginner.
Usually I open a new file and draw everything in to practice. Last time I was in here reading I learned to make everything a component. So I am getting that. When I am done with my practice model I begin modeling in earnest, saving components and such.
This is a post and beam model for a house we are building.
First question is there an extension that has lumber for timber framing (not two by 4s)?
How do I show the joinery? Is there an extension for that?
How do I make a knee brace that I can use over and over and flip?
How can I post my actual file here?
The photos I am posting show the foundation and some of the timbers. As well as my attempts to make knee braces.
I am not an engineer and will accept any advice/help offered.
This house started out as a big two story, then I learned what architects charge. Got Sketchup. and tried to go it alone. Got it down to 1200sf, but that and being a 2story is probably a case of biting off more than we can chew(and then I learned what engineers charge). Sigh, so now its a one story, shed roof almost tiny house.
Accomplishments, so you don’t think I am total L.
Ability to export as a pdf.
Copy and pasted into Layout, scaled it and printed it out! This was kind of epic for me, but it was an older iteration so I am starting over.

Uploading a file in a post by:

  • reading the message about the Upload button (when writting a post/reply). It can probably become active only after one or three posts, for beginners;
  • drag & drop the file directly in the message window (files under 15 MB);
  • uploading the file to a file-sharing service (Google Drive, Dropbox, Wetransfer, etc.) and adding the link to that file in the post/reply.

Thank you for the lovely video assist. I uploaded two files. Both are practice so not a lot of saved components. And lots of crooked mistakes. So apologies in advance.
and kind regards

okfoundationandtimber.skp (319.4 KB)

OmPractise.skp (4.7 MB)

Start with the basics of SketchUp at Campus -

You are allowed to use components in practice as well. :wink: In fact, you should only use groups and components for all geometry you create.

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Hi again, thank you for the reply. Currently watching what you suggested. Then I will redo everything using groups and components.

Get into the habit of using components rather than groups. There are pluses and minuses for each, but with rare exceptions a component will do everything a group can, with fewer downsides.

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The extension “Timber Framing Extensions” might be what you’re looking for. It’s available in the SU extension warehouse. Another extension that also seems useful for the beginner, “Segal-method Timber Frames”.

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I’ve a bit of progress to share. Way more components with this batch, seven I think.
most of my posts are 8"x8", am I overbuilding? 6"x6" better?
I drew a black line, how do I chop the ends off all?
I went to Extensionland and got some pieces but I need to figure out how to lengthen and customize them. The knee braces I installed are just for looks and are not saved as components. I need them to look a bit better.
Thank you to everyone replying.

PattyFTimberx.skp (388.2 KB)

After much reflection I went back to the drawing board. Scaled everything down to one floor. The bedroom is where the pantry was. Separated the breezeway from the house. I’m drawing it all again just a tiny bit bigger.
For the new breezeway, rammed earth or hempcrete. Those pipes could support vines of some kind for seasonal shade.
More details to come.

25x40~.skp (337.8 KB)