This seems to be a closed request, but I would like to re-request the feature, jus as there is the option for DWG export to automatically set all viewports to Hybrid, I would like to have that option when exporting to PDF, since that is more often the case. This would allow us to use Raster in the viewports the help speed up Layout. If we have to manually switch the viewports on all layout sheets, it takes forever, and is basically not an option. So I think this feature is critical if you are doing larger buildings with larger layout pages. I know you can split up the layout files, but usually you are only going to split your layout files so much, meaning all exterior elevation sheets, etc. So still for larger buildings with more detail, you end up with quite a bit of time required to switch back and forth the viewports for a good pdf export.
Apologies, finger trouble!
What if the user doesn’t want all of the viewports set to Hybrid?
You can set your viewports to Hybrid and the Dislpay resolution to Medium or Low while you are working. Then it’s all done for you.
I’ll try that again, but some of the viewports have lots of lines, like framing elevations of large buildings, means lots of lines to calculate, so when in hybrid, no matter the display resolution, the performance takes a huge hit, which is why I would prefer to have that calculation done upon export once. If you don’t want all sheets to be hybrid upon export, then fine, give me even more control, give me the option to do hybrid on the pages I select. I was just taking a cue from the dwg export that is a simple on or off setting. By the way, if the text and dimensions would export better to dwg, I would even consider making the pdf from the dwg export. But ultimately we all use pdf much more, so I want that feature there if I can ask for it.