Are there commands to un-select?

It would be very nice since Esc dont work in this case and when Iam working inside a building is hard to find the background outside to click on it.

Select None is ctrl t
Which shows on the edit dropdown menu.

As several people have already suggested Please make an effort to learn the basics.

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Shift/select lets you add or subtract.

how shift would substract?

Using the select tool, hold down the shift key and you see +/-. Pick something then select it again while the shift key is held and it will deselect.

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I, too, wanted an easier way to deselect. Go into the shortcuts menu in preferences, choose Edit/Select None and assign a key or combo you like. I’m on a Mac and I chose the back tick (lower case tilde key). I like it because it’s a little easier than Shift/CMND A, it’s right under the escape key (which is what my mind tells me it should be), and it’s not mapped to anything else.

There needs to be a deselect only marquee option, not like what shift does

Is this Shift + Option = Subtract just a Mac thing, or is there an equivalent on Windows?

Screen Shot 2024-01-31 at 11.54.38 AM

No. On Windows it’s Ctrl+Shift. Or Shift+Ctrl. Two ways to do the same thing. :wink:

Screenshot - 1_31_2024 , 10_58_46 AM

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How would it be different from the existing deselect option?