@dcrowley, You should have two options:
(1) You click “Dismiss” on the warning pane, (afterall it says “Consider changing your browser”,) and then use the feature normally.
(2) Manually change the browser emulation version for “sketchup.exe” in the Windows registry.
Last I knew the SketchUp installer was still setting “sketchup.exe” IE BrowserControl emulation to MSIE version 9. See topic:
Webdialog Win10 IE11 CSS - #18 by DanRathbun
(But note that there is also a duplicate attribute in the HKey Local Machine hive. The setting in the Current User hive overrides the Local Machine setting.) -
I just tested and changing the setting to version 10 (
) or 11 (0x2AF8
) the "Add Location…" feature works normally without any warning popup. -
The Trimble websites (EW and 3DW) can still override emulation (as they need,) using a
HTML tag in their pages. See:
Webdialog Win10 IE11 CSS - #27 by tt_su