I am not sure what’s going but I’ve been trying to apply paint to my walls (the easiest task of all) and it’s acting weird. It’s either applying it with visible lines (like in a pattern — never happened to be before) or applies it only to skirting boards but not the walls — walls are bare.
I tried to bring a new texture into my “colours in model” and that’s when it would make a pattern out of my screenshot. I also tried File — Import — Import as texture and it wouldn’t apply to the wall but only to skirting boards. What’s going on?
Ahh I thought if I click on “share” (as I did) it would share the link that I copied. I guess it only works if I have your email…let me see how else I can share it via google drive.
I don’t see any material applied to the walls. I see you have a texture on the floor and there’s z-fighting because you have 2D symbols laying on the floor. Is that what you are referring to?