Hi, newbie here, so forgive my ignorance. At some point, the massive delay/latency caused by Sketchup For Web’s autosave had me accidentally clicking some buttons and I think a global setting has changed that made the orientation a little strange.
The first thing that happened is that my whole model rotated by like 15 degrees. Since it autosaved this way and I didn’t know it until later, I couldn’t just hit undo. So I just manually rotated the model back into place. But now, when I go to add a material or to rotate something, it appears that the axis for those functions is off by that same 15 degrees. So for example, when I go to paint a material onto a surface, it isn’t parallel/perpendicular to any of the normal axes, it’s rotated about 15degrees. How can I just set everything back to default? Thanks, hope this makes sense.