For about 8 months I’ve been using the Sketchup Free web version. The only problem I’ve had is some latency in the program from time to time in spite of a 500mbps connection. Yesterday I learned of Sketchup Make 2017 and installed it today. I went to several drawings that were open at the time I of the installation and tried to save a copy to my computer. All of the drawings had been previously saved. When I tried to save them I saw a new Sketchup startup image that I hadn’t seen previously and the drawings closed. Now there are no drawings or folders in my Trimble connect account. I had multiple folders with a complex workbench, table saw bench, small shelf project and an entire new home workshop that I’m about to build that are apparently lost. That represents several weeks of work. When I go to Open> Trimble Connect> Sketchup I get a message “This folder is empty.” Any ideas?
Only the folder and files I have created since opening this topic today are visible. I had several folders with multiple drawings in most in Trimble Connect.
BTW- all of the folders were inside the SketchUp folder. I guess that was the only option anyway; just thought I wold confirm that.
Are you signed in with the same email address when opening Trimble Connect from inside Make, as you are when using SketchUp Free?
Yes, same credentials for both but I quit trying to use Make and went back solely to Free. No idea if it’s related but the files in Free disappeared when I opened Make. I had Free open at the time and was going to save the files to my local hard drive so I could open them in Make but when I went to the open sessions of Free they closed and went back to my browser home screen.
FWIW I have 25 years of system and network analyst experience so I know about file structure, folders, passwords and the like. Not trying to say I know it all but just letting the respondents know that it’s not a case of someone not understanding that sort of thing.
I’m sure our system is complicated enough to defeat even Einstein. Not that he was much of a PC or Mac expert…
You could send a message to me if you like, with something about your credentials. I could look for oddities.
When you went back to Free, did the files come back?
Colin and I have been communicating privately. For anyone that’s researching this issue, my models did not return when I went back to Free. I lost every design I had created prior to installing Make 2017 and after several days all of the files are still missing.
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