I work in NYC schools and we cannot login with G-Suite even though Sketchup for Schools is approved by the NYC Department of Education.
Our domains are @schools.nyc.gov @nycstudents.net
Sketchup support told me to post here. “Your case number is 10747179. If you need any further assistance with this case please just reply back to this email.”
Thanks for the @ tweenulzeven. I went ahead and checked our database and it looks like you are already in there and everything is configured to allow you access on our end. If you are getting an error then we need to do some troubleshooting to figure out what is wrong. Can you start off by letting me know some information like what the exact error message you are seeing says? Also, it would be helpful if you could let me know what browser you are using and if you are using any extra firewalls or other add ons for your G-suite environment.
Finally, I am guessing you are using Google as your deployment environment but if I am mistaken please feel free to correct me as the troubleshooting process is a little different for Microsoft environments.
I do have a personal account @gmail.com which is working fine. But when either myself or my students attempt to use the Sketchup for schools we get the error messages I posted above. We have 100,000 teachers in our school system so I can’t imagine that I’m the first person with an @schools.nyc.gov account that is attempting to use Sketchup for schools. The IT department at our school says they can’t do anything, the IT department for NYC schools lists Sketchup for Schools as an approved g-suite application. So I’m not sure what’s going on.
Hi @aoliveira2 and @weisbrot thanks for the posts. I am looking around the office at the moment and don’t see Tori at her desk at the moment so she is most likely in a meeting but as soon as she is back I’ll personally run this case over to her desk and see if she has any ideas.
In the meantime, it would be helpful if both of you could let me know what browser you are using. I am also working under the assumption that you are using a google environment to deploy the app at the moment so if I am incorrect in that assumption please let me know as soon as possible so I can make sure I am giving you accurate information.
Additionally, please make sure that you have access to the super admin account you used to deploy the app as we will need that for troubleshooting later on.
I am using a Chrome browser(the most up to date) on a MacBook Pro computer. All of my students are using the same. I do work under a G-Suite For Education that is controlled by the DOE of NYC. I don’t have access to a “super admin” account but can be in touch with someone who does.
Ah, thanks for letting me know about all of that @aoliveira2. Just making sure, you did deploy the app via the super admin account, right? A non super admin account can’t deploy the app correctly.
Also @marwanobeidat, yes the domains are in our database and everything looks like it is working on our end. Whatever is causing the error is happening on their side. I also pinged our expert so hopefully we can get some answers soon.
Hi @weisbrot, thanks for the post. SketchUp for Schools and the regular web version are two different programs so it would make sense that a personal email address would allow you to access the regular web version. The school version has additional features and curriculum built in as part of the app. It also features a special data storage system to make sure we don’t store any student data.
Either way, it sounds like you have access to SketchUp so I’ll keep the focus on helping out aoliveira2 and weisbrot for now. If you do need something from me please feel free to start a new thread.
As previously mentioned, I have ensured that everything was done correctly on our end. Also I will take this moment to say again that the app does need to be deployed via a super admin to work correctly. Finally, from what I can see here, it looks like it may be a firewall issue although I’ll ping a coworker to confirm my assumption as soon as my morning meetings are done. Just wait a little longer and we will hopefully have answers.