Aaron's book

Hi Guys and Girls.

I see on LinkedIn that Aaron’s publishers have offered $10 off the price of his new book, if pre-ordered this week.

I’ve looked on the Amazon UK site, as I live in the UK, and I’m afraid I don’t see any $10 reduction.

Are we doing to get that offer in the UK too?



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That is odd! I will reach out to the publisher and see if that is only for the US…

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Thanks, Aaron.

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Verified that the price listed on Amazon UK is currently decreased from the price that it will be normally. The price will go back up about 10£/€/¥/$ this week.

OK. Thanks for finding that out, Aaron. I’ll put my order in now!

I hope you are having a great time at Basecamp! :blush:



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Hi Aaron - what’s the name of the book and what does it cover?

Thanks, Monika

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It’s called ’ Taking SketchUp Pro to the Next Level’. It’s authored by Aaron, and if you watch some of his recent videos, he’ll tell you what it’s about, however, the subject matter is all in the name of the book…




Thanks Simon.

My pleasure!

Since you asked, here is a picture of the cover and a shortcut to the Amazon page!


Well, another “independent” publication on SU. And of course, the thread does not violate the forum rules :wink: (private business advertising)

Nah… we have had other SketchUp learning and peripheral solutions offered in the forum. For that matter, there is an entire section dedicated to extensions! All we ask is that no one repeatedly use the forum for aggressive advertising.

I know that I am the one posting this AND the one talking about the rules on posting (so @jody can slap my hand if I am off base), but I only supplied information as it was requested by another forum user.

Mostly because I want to be helpful!


The most important part here was that it was requested. The important detail is that we don’t start pushing to sell our products and projects lest it become a place filled with advertising spam.

Aaron, where is an outline of the contents of the book to be found?

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I just purchased my copy on Amazon, would have preferred a signed copy but maybe I can hit Aaron up at the next Basecamp in 2024.

The Look Inside button on Amazon allows you to view the Table of Contents of the book as well as the entire index:

I was actually surprised at the size of the book (nearly 500 pages), lots of good information here.


My book has literally, just arrived now. Very happy!

Thanks, Aaron!

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I got mine yesterday. It came aptly paired with a Ghostbusters visual history book that I ordered. It’s thick!


Mine is supposed to be here tomorrow. I won’t be able to sleep tonight due to the anticipation.


Wow! Thank you all! I truly hope that you find it to be worth it and get a few (or more than a few) good pieces of information out of that!

Looking forward to feedback and, if you have a chance, reviews on Amazon!!