Hello, I am a new member. I am looking for a plugin which is very similar to Curviloft. what the plugin can do is create a face of 3 lines which are Y, Z, X and It will be used create a shape without any curve at all.
here’s a very simple example:
as you can see there are no curves at all. Are there any plugins that have the ability to do this. It would save me a lot of times on creating a complexed shape than the simple one without any curves.
The complexed shape I am making is all based on train’s nose with the blueprint show me the lines via Z, Y, and X. It took me a lot of time to get the shape right based on the 3 lines. It’s a lot of times and work. This should help you understand what I have been working on.
a content of train’s shape that looks more like blocky or slanty is based on Minecraft’s content. That’s why I am looking for a plugin like Curviloft (Curviloft only create curve line) but have the same feature as Curviloft does. and should create a shape like the first picture in my first post you see. more slanty rather than curvy (preferably no curve at all)
In fact, there are no ‘real’ curves in SketchUp surfaces, they are all build up with straight edges. You can try ‘Soap,Skin,Bubble’ and set division lower…
That may work. I’ll check it out and yeah you are right that there are no real smooth curves. I remember that when I took a close look at the circle’s edge.
Can you tell me what was the plugin that you used in the GIF picture. I recognized that tool from somewhere but i can’t remember the name of that plugin.