3dConnexion Spacemouse Pro Loses 2 Axis

I’m having a recurring problem with SU24 and my Spacemouse Pro. Sometimes when I switch to Camera → Parallel Projection the mouse loses X and Y axis movement. It will only move along the Z axis. Once this happens nothing seems to be able to fix it. Extension Warehouse won’t let me uninstall it. It’s greyed out. I update the driver using the 3DConnexion app several times and eventually things start working again. I haven’t figured out the exact steps to fix the problem, but it seems completely random when it does start working again. This has happened on two different macs in exactly the same way.

During this time the mouse works perfectly on Google Earth, so there is nothing wrong with the mouse.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I’ll most likely get the run-around from both Trimble and 3DConnexion pointing at each other as the problem.

Are you using the latest driver, if so what happens if you roll back 1 version?

It does act weird in Parallel mode. Love it in Perspective, but in Parallel I find it can start rotating the opposite of what is expected, I get the back of what I wanted or my model view rotates so I am looking at the bottom! (I’m on Mac Intel)