Just unboxed the SpaceNavigator and followed instructions. It’s not working with SU Pro 2018 on my Mac. Any suggestions?
Did you install the latest version of the driver for the Space Navigator?
I believe so. Version 4.5.0 should as being loaded in the SU extension manager.
And I’ve loaded 3DxWare 10 v 10.5.3 on the Mac.
check thru here, it was a similar issue.
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Does the preferences panel in system prefs recognise the presence of the navigator? Are you Iain the wired or wireless version?
The preference panel was not recognizing the device. I’m trying a quick swap of the SpaceNavigator for a SpaceMouse that should arrive today. I’ll see if the newer device works any better. Stay tuned.
Odd. I must say it worked flawlessly for me, I got the wireless one, just plugged in the little usb Donglette and the pref pane saw it immediately.