3D Warehouse not loading my models

Before anyone asks, I cannot do anything code-related, and features like DevTools are completely useless to me. :frowning:

I’ve uploaded a couple models within the last 48 hours, and their thumbnails are refusing to load.

Now I understand that it takes some time for these things to load, but it’s been days since I’ve posted these models and the thumbnails still haven’t loaded. I can still download the model, so that seems to be working fine. I don’t know what else could be wrong though.

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I don’t see any errors in the page. Something stopped it rerendering.

@psaal @TheGuz

Hey @anon72365415 would you mind deleting the model at https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/bd336db9-6bef-471b-b41f-35a715b7bd1a/GMD-GP40-2W-Guilford-Rail-System and reuploading it? One of our renderers appears to have gotten stuck on it and I think this will solve the problem for this one model. We’ve identified the source of the problem and I think it’s been fixed. Sorry for the trouble and thanks for sharing your great work!


I would not mind deleting it at all. Thank you for the help! :grinning:

Thanks Cameron, looks like that worked. :slight_smile:

Thanks Peter. I had the same problem yesterday but it seems to be working fine now.

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for some weird reason, this could actually taking like several minutes even when it’s small.

like 30 minutes

or 1 to 5 hours

I’m curious. How does the rendering time affect your model? Why is the rendering time an issue?What problem does this create for you?

It took like 15 minutes and it still not showing thumbnail while rendering.

What is the big deal?

So what? How does that impact your modeling? This is a hobby for you, right? So how does the time it takes for the thumbnail to render affect your modeling? Move on to your next model and let the Warehouse do its thing.

what if it’s forever?

What if it is? So what? Again, explain how that affects your modeling practice.

It hasn’t been “forever” in the past. No reason to expect it will be this time.

this affects when lots of models in other users being rerendered

What other users are using your models? Do you think they are just sitting around waiting for you to upload your models?

not really

So then it doesn’t really matter if it take 30 minutes or an hour for the Warehouse to render the thumbnail for your models.

oh, ok