3D Warehouse not loading my models

that: Building roof Texture 1 | 3D Warehouse

Haven’t we been here before.

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You have not explained what problem the delay in generating thumbnails creates for you. It seems to me you haven’t any reason to care let alone complain about it.

it’s a delay, I think.

Again, so what?

And this is what you are so anxious for others to see?

If I was poking around the 3D Warehouse looking for roof textures I sure wouldn’t download this.

ok, good

Good what?

Two different threads and you’ve still failed to explain why the time to display thumbnails in the Warehouse is a problem for you.

FWIW, I uploaded this and the thumbnail was visible in less than 2 minutes.

And other one in less than 1 minute:

Continuing the discussion from 3D Warehouse not loading my models:

I’ve been having some sort of problemm as well. When uploading into the werehouse, it says "sprinkling some magic… " but even after a couple of days it still says the same thing and I cant donload it. I tried deleting and re-uploading. But that still isn’t working.

Sharing a link to the model in question would be a good place to start on this. That way someone else can confirm what you are seeing. Also, note that this is a thread that was concluded a year ago. A lot has changes since then, so your issue may not have any relevance to the original post.

here is the link to the werehouse model:


That is a link to SketchUp. You need to share a link to your model after uploading it to 3D Warehouse.

weird, i clicked on share and this was the link i got. but maybe this one works:


When I pull it up it says that it was modified today and has not started rendering yet. If I recall correctly, models get rendered some time within 24 hours of upload/editing. @TheGuz can confirm or correct this.

true, i deleted some models that were still rendering after 2 days. But i uploaded some in the beginning of the week and they rendered within minutes? is there something to make the process go faster?

I believe it all comes down to the servers… if I recall correctly, servers run off moon dew and twilight magic, so depending on the time of the year, render times may change drastically.

Sorry, for real the best answer will have to come from someone who knows for sure like @TheGuz


The issue has been resolved, but it will take a bit to catch up. Thanks for your patience.

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Aka, “We have refilled the moon dew tanks”

Thanks, @EricFrank !

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